Noha22 بتاريخ: 29 مارس 2010 تقديم بلاغ بتاريخ: 29 مارس 2010 Leadership Skills WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE من كلية ولدنبرج الدولية Leadership Skills Program Components State the four basic principles of Service Leadership Demonstrate practical leadership skills e.g. team briefing, problem solving, brainstorming and be able to apply the basic principles of leadership Explain the situational leadership model and its application State action steps to follow for effective communication and illustrate effective listening techniques Demonstrate steps to follow when recognising customer focused performance Identify Coaching steps to follow to improve an Employee’s performance Recognise situations where corrective discipline needs to take place Explain what empowerment is and how they can create a more empowered team Effectively delegate tasks to appropriate team members Program Duration 30 Hours Hand outs Language English للتفاصيل: WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE كلية ولدنبرج الدولية
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