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عرض النتائج للدليل 'english'.
السلام عليكم ياشبا ب وجدت موقع ممكن تتعلم منه الغة الانجليزية بدون عناء وبطريقه سهلة جدا من هنا http://www.1000zoom.com/learn-slang-english/ http://www.1000zoom.com/howtolearnenglish.htm ولا تنسو الدعاء والردو د
اعزائى المحاسبين بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم دعونى اقدم لكم سلسلة من الكورسات فى اللغة الانجليزية بل اغلب اللغات المشهورة Tell Me More Tell Me More English premium وهذه السلسله من اشهر المؤسسات التعليميه على مستوى العالم وحاصله على المركز الاول • هذا الرنامج من اشهر البرامج التعليمه للغات حيث يقوم بتعليم اللغه بطريقه رائعه جدا مع الكمبيوتر الخاص بك. • انه يقوم بتعليمك من خلال عدد كبير جدا من النشاطات والتمارين ويمرنك عليها بطرق شيقه جدا ويقوم باكتشاف عيوبك ويعمل على تقويتها انه فعلا برنامج رائع • يوجد بالبرنامج تسجيل صوتى وتحليله لمعرفه اذا كانت طريقه نطقك مشابهه للمواطن الاصلى ام لا • البرنامج يوجد به اكثر من 850 ساعه تعليميه .ويوجد به 3600 تمرين مقسمين على 35 نشاط • البرنامج به خاصيه المحادثه مع شخص فى الكمبيوتر ويختبر طريقه نطق للحوار • البرنامج مقسم الى اربع مستويات 1- مبتدا 2- متوسط 3-متقدم 4- بزنس وبدورهم ينقسموا الى عده مستويات ايضا بداخلهم والان روابط التحميل beginner http://rapidshare.com/files/81376756/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part01.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81376827/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part02.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81376775/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part03.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81376767/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part04.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81376766/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part05.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81376763/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part06.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81376749/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part07.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81376759/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part08.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81376784/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part09.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81376706/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part10.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81376777/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part11.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81376588/Ayman.tmmen8beg.part12.rar دعونى اؤكد لكم ان صاحب الفكرة اخ عزيز اسمه ايمن وهو على اتم استعداد لتوصيل الكورسات لمن لايستطيعون تحميلها بمبالغ رمزية انا رفعت ملف تورنت لمن يشتكون من عدم وجود ملفات Tell Me More English 8.0 (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.rar
Leadership Skills WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE من كلية ولدنبرج الدولية Leadership Skills Program Components State the four basic principles of Service Leadership Demonstrate practical leadership skills e.g. team briefing, problem solving, brainstorming and be able to apply the basic principles of leadership Explain the situational leadership model and its application State action steps to follow for effective communication and illustrate effective listening techniques Demonstrate steps to follow when recognising customer focused performance Identify Coaching steps to follow to improve an Employee’s performance Recognise situations where corrective discipline needs to take place Explain what empowerment is and how they can create a more empowered team Effectively delegate tasks to appropriate team members Program Duration 30 Hours Hand outs Language English للتفاصيل: WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE كلية ولدنبرج الدولية www.waldenburginternationalcollege.org.uk Wicm32@yahoo.com
- english
- principles
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الكلمات الدليلية:
Controlling Training in Organization Certificate WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE من كلية ولدنبرج الدولية Controlling Training in Organization Certificate Program Components Introduction and administration Introduction to training and development Clarifying roles and responsibilities Creating the right environment Applying a systematic approach Starting to plan Planning activity Implementing training and development Reviewing and evaluation Program review and close Introduction and administration Introduction to training and development Clarifying roles and responsibilities Creating the right environment Program Duration 30 Hours Hand outs Language English للتفاصيل: WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE من كلية ولدنبرج الدولية www.waldenburginternationalcollege.org.uk Wicm32@yahoo.com
Off- the job Trainer Certificate WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE من كلية ولدنبرج الدولية Off- the job Trainer Certificate Program Components: Introductions and Administration Creating a Learning Environment Writing Instructional Objectives Designing and Structuring a Learning Event - Introduction Designing and Structuring a Learning Event – Development Question Technique Designing and Structuring a Learning Event – Consolidation Supporting Learning through Visual Aids Preparing to Deliver First practice sessions Group Handling Increasing Participation Second practice sessions Course Review and Close Program Duration: 36 Hours Hand outs Language: English للتفاصيل: WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE كلية ولدنبرج الدولية www.waldenburginternationalcollege.org.uk Wicm32@yahoo.com
قطاع المحاسبه و المراجعه بمؤسسه بى _سمارت يعلن عن احتياجه لمحاسبين حديثى التخرج لتاهيلهم عمليا من خلال مستندات الشركات الفعليه المتعاونه مع المؤسسه ( دفتريا - بالكمبيوتر ) محاسبه : الدوره المتكامله مستويين - English Accouting course مقاولات - تكاليف - بنوك - سياحةو فنادق - Quick books - Peachtree التحليل المالى (ادواته و اساليبه ) حسابات الاستيراد الفحص الضريبى التاجير التمويلى Leasing الموازنات التخطيطيه المراجعه Tally MS excel Advanced النظام المحاسبى باستخدام Microsoft Access ت: 23647839 - 0166610243 8/10 شارع متحف المنيل بجوار سينما فاتن حمامه
قطاع المحاسبه و المراجعه بمؤسسه بى _سمارت يعلن عن احتياجه لمحاسبين حديثى التخرج لتاهيلهم عمليا من خلال مستندات الشركات الفعليه المتعاونه مع المؤسسه ( دفتريا - بالكمبيوتر ) محاسبه : الدوره المتكامله مستويين - English Accouting course مقاولات - تكاليف - بنوك - سياحةو فنادق - Quick books - Peachtree التحليل المالى (ادواته و اساليبه ) حسابات الاستيراد الفحص الضريبى التاجير التمويلى Leasing الموازنات التخطيطيه المراجعه Tally MS excel Advanced النظام المحاسبى باستخدام Microsoft Access ت: 23647839 - 0166610243 8/10 شارع متحف المنيل بجوار سينما فاتن حمامه
On- the job Trainer Certificate WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE من كلية ولدنبرج الدولية Program Components Introduction/Administration Benefits of Training Identifying Learning Needs Systematic Approach to Training Delegates' First Practice Session The Learning Process Gaining Attention Task Breakdown Question Technique Check Section Delegates' Second Practice Session Craft Training Small Groups Delegates' Third Practice Session Corrective Coaching Providing Training in the Workplace Trainer Skills Course Close Program Duration 30 Hours Hand outs Language English للتفاصيل: WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE كلية ولدنبرج الدولية www.waldenburginternationalcollege.org.uk Wicm32@yahoo.com
الدبلومة المهنية فى التخصصات الاتية بالغة العربية من كلية ولدنبرج الدولية WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE Professional Diploma Professional Diploma in Business Administration: Accounting and Business Administration Professional Diploma in Business (Marketing) Professional Diploma in Accounting Professional Diploma in Criminal Justice Professional Diploma in Psychology Professional Diploma in Administration Professional Diploma in Criminal Justice Professional Diploma in Psychology Professional Diploma in Advertising Professional Diploma in Animation Professional Diploma in Accounting Professional Diploma in Accounting for Managers Professional Diploma in Aerospace and Aviation Professional Diploma in All-Level Teacher (Certification (Age 3 through Grade 12 Professional Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution Professional Diploma in Animal Science Professional Diploma in Anthropology Professional Diploma in Applied Studies Professional Diploma in Art Professional Diploma in Art + Art Studies Professional Diploma in Art History Professional Diploma in (Biochemistry (B.A Professional Diploma in Biology Professional Diploma in International Hospitality and Tourism Management Professional Diploma in Business Professional Diploma in Business + Commerce Professional Diploma in Business Administration Professional Diploma in Business ( Administration (General Professional Diploma in Business Administration and Management Professional Diploma in Business Management Professional Diploma in Business Security and Assurance Professional Diploma in Chemistry (Professional Diploma in Chemistry (B. S Professional Diploma in Child Development Professional Diploma in Christian Ministry Professional Diploma in Communication Professional Diploma (in Communication (BS Professional Diploma in Communication Sciences and ( Disorders (BS Professional Diploma in Computational Physics Professional Diploma in Computer Information Technology Services Administration and Management Professional Diploma in Computer Graphics Professional Diploma in Computer Information Systems Professional Diploma in Computer Science Professional Diploma in Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services Professional Diploma in Computer and Information Systems Security Professional Diploma in (Cooperative Agriculture (Pre-Vet Medicine Professional Diploma in Corrections Professional Diploma in Criminal Justice Professional Diploma in Criminal Justice + Safety Studies Professional Diploma in Criminal Justice Administration Professional Diploma in Database Professional Diploma in E-Business Professional Diploma in E-Commerce Electronic Commerce Professional Diploma in Economics Professional Diploma in Education (Professional Diploma in Electronic Media (BS Professional Diploma in Elementary Teaching (Age 3 through Grade 4) Professional Diploma in Emergency and Disaster Management Professional Diploma in Engineering Professional Diploma in Engineering Physics Professional Diploma in Engineering Science Professional Diploma in English Professional Diploma in English Language and Literature Professional Diploma in Environmental Management Professional Diploma in Environmental Science Professional Diploma in Exercise Science Professional Diploma in Exercise and Sport Science Professional Diploma in Finance Professional Diploma in Financial Management Professional Diploma in Fine Arts Professional Diploma inn Fire Science Bachelor in Forensic Psychology Professional Diploma n Game Art and Design Professional Diploma in Geography Professional Diploma in Gerontology Professional Diploma in Graphic Design Professional Diploma in Health Administration Professional Diploma in Health Care Administration Professional Diploma in Health Care Management Professional Diploma in Health Informatics Professional Diploma in Health Science Professional Diploma in Health Services Administration Professional Diploma in Healthcare Administration Professional Diploma in High School Teacher Certification (grades 8-12) Professional Diploma in History Professional Diploma in Hospitality Administration and Management Professional Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Professional Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management Professional Diploma in Human Resource Management Professional Diploma in Human Resources Management + Personnel Administration Professional Diploma in Human Services Professional Diploma in Information Systems Professional Diploma in Information Technology Professional Diploma in Innovation and Marketing Management Professional Diploma in Interdisciplinary Studies (preK-8) Professional Diploma in Interior Design Professional Diploma in International Business Professional Diploma in International Management Professional Diploma in Forensic Science and Technology Professional Diploma in Journalism Professional Diploma in Knowledge Management Professional Diploma in Languages Professional Diploma in Law Enforcement Professional Diploma in Leadership and Management Professional Diploma in Legal Assistant + Paralegal Professional Diploma in Legal Studies Professional Diploma in Liberal Arts and Sciences + Liberal Studies Professional Diploma in Management Information Systems Professional Diploma in Management Information Systems(MIS) Professional Diploma in Management of Information Systems Bachelor in Marketing Bachelor in Marketing + Marketing Management Professional Diploma in Mathematics Professional Diploma in Mathematics (5-12) Professional Diploma in Mathematics (5-9 or 9-12) Professional Diploma in Mathematics (BA) Professional Diploma in Mathematics (BS) Professional Diploma in Mathematics Concentration Professional Diploma in Mathematics Teacher Education Professional Diploma in Media Arts Professional Diploma in Middle School Teacher Certification (grades 4-8) Professional Diploma in Ministry to Children and Families Professional Diploma in Missions Professional Diploma in Multimedia and Animation Professional Diploma in Music Professional Diploma in Music Professional Diploma in Naturopathy Professional Diploma in Network Management Professional Diploma in Networking Technology Professional Diploma in Nursing Professional Diploma in Nursing + Registered Nurse (RN Professional Diploma in Nursing Completion Degree Professional Diploma in Nutrition Professional Diploma in Occupational Safety Professional Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health Professional Diploma in Office Management Professional Diploma in Operations Management Professional Diploma in Organizational Management Professional Diploma in Paramedic Professional Diploma in Personal Injury Professional Diploma in Physical Education Professional Diploma in Physics Professional Diploma in Political Science Professional Diploma in Private Sector Accounting Professional Diploma in Private Security Professional Diploma in Programming Professional Diploma in Psychology Professional Diploma in Public Administration Professional Diploma in Public Safety Professional Diploma in Radiology Professional Diploma in Real Estate Management Professional Diploma in Religion Professional Diploma in Respiratory Therapy Professional Diploma in Sales and Marketing Professional Diploma in Science (5-12) Professional Diploma in Science (5-9 or 9-12) Professional Diploma in Science Teacher Education + General Science Teacher Education Professional Diploma in Self-Designed Professional Diploma in Social Science Professional Diploma in Social Science (5-12) Professional Diploma in Social Science Teacher Education Professional Diploma in Social Sciences Professional Diploma in Sociology Professional Diploma in Software Development Professional Diploma in Sport Management Professional Diploma in Sport and Fitness Administration and Management Professional Diploma in System Professional Diploma in System Administration + Administrator Professional Diploma in Teacher Certification Professional Diploma in Teacher Education Professional Diploma in Teaching Program (preK-8) Professional Diploma in Theatre Professional Diploma in Visual Arts Professional Diploma in Vocational Missions Professional Diploma in Web Development Professional Diploma in Web Page Professional Diploma in Web Page, Digital-Multimedia and Information Resources Design Professional Diploma in Worship Ministry Professional Diploma in e-Commerce Professional Diploma in in Humanities Professional Diploma in Biotechnology Professional Diploma in Electronics Engineering Professional Diploma in Fashion Merchandising Professional Diploma in Multimedia Professional Diploma in Organization and Management Professional Diploma in Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies Professional Diploma in Project Management Professional Diploma in Fire Science Professional Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health Professional Diploma in Concentration in Fire Science Professional Diploma in Business Administration Professional Diploma in Finance Professional Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Professional Diploma in Human Resource Management Professional Diploma in Information Technology Professional Diploma in International Management Professional Diploma in Management Professional Diploma in Marketing Professional Diploma in Project Management Professional Diploma in Sport Management Professional Diploma in Health Care للتفاصيل: WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE كلية ولدنبرج الدولية www.waldenburginternationalcollege.org.uk Wicm32@yahoo.com
- accounting
- english
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الكلمات الدليلية:
شهادة المستشار المعتمدفى التخصصات الاتية باللغة العربية من WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE Certified Consultant Certified Consultant in International Hospitality Management Certified Consultant in Business Administration Certified Consultant in Business Administration (Management Consultancy) Certified Consultant in (Project Management) Certified Consultant in E-Business and Technology Certified Consultant in (Service Excellence) Certified Consultant in Finance Certified Consultant in Health Care Administration Certified Consultant in Hospitality and Tourism Certified Consultant in Human Resource Management Certified Consultant in International Management Certified Consultant in Marketing Certified Consultant in Public Administration Certified Consultant in Project Management Certified Consultant in Sports Management Certified Consultant in Occupational Safety and Health Certified Consultant in Concentration in Environmental Management Certified Consultant in Marketing and Management Certified Consultant in Leadership Certified Consultant in Programs Business Administration Certified Consultant in (BSN - MS degree in Nursing) Certified Consultant in(BSN - MS degree in Nursing) with a Specialization in Education Certified Consultant in (BSN - MS degree in Nursing) with a Specialization in Nursing Informatics Certified Consultant in (RN - MS degree in Nursing) Master in (RN - MS degree in Nursing) with a Specialization in Nursing Informatics Certified Consultant in Accountancy Certified Consultant in Accounting Certified Consultant in Accounting and Business + Management Certified Consultant in Accounting and Financial Management Certified Consultant in Accounting and Information Technology Certified Consultant in Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching Certified Consultant in Advanced Occupational Therapy Studies Certified Consultant in Arts Certified Consultant in Bioinformatics Certified Consultant in Bio security and Bio defense Certified Consultant in Biotechnology Management Certified Consultant in Biotechnology Studies (MSBS) Certified Consultant in Business + Commerce Certified Consultant in Business Administration and Management Certified Consultant in Business Management Certified Consultant in Christian Ministry Certified Consultant in Clinical Laboratory Science + Medical Technology + Technologist Certified Consultant in Clinical Psychology Certified Consultant in Communication, Certified Consultant in Communications Engineering Certified Consultant in Community Health Certified Consultant in Community Health Education Certified Consultant in Community Health and Preventive Medicine Certified Consultant in Computer Engineering Certified Consultant in Computer Science Certified Consultant in Computer Software Engineering Certified Consultant in Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications Certified Consultant in Computer and Information Systems Security Certified Consultant in Conflict Resolution Certified Consultant in Counseling Psychology Certified Consultant in Counselor Education + School Counseling and Guidance Services Certified Consultant in Criminal Justice Certified Consultant in Criminal Justice + Safety Studies Certified Consultant in Criminal Justice Administration Certified Consultant in Criminal Justice Leadership Certified Consultant in Crisis Management and Response Certified Consultant in Curriculum Certified Consultant in Cyber security Certified Consultant in Curriculum and Instruction Certified Consultant in Database Systems Technologies Certified Consultant in Developmental and Child Psychology Certified Consultant in Distance Education Policy and Management Certified Consultant in Distance Education (MDE) Certified Consultant in Distance Education Teaching and Training Certified Consultant in Distance Education Technology Certified Consultant in E-Business and Technology Certified Consultant in E-Commerce Certified Consultant in E-Commerce + Electronic Commerce Certified Consultant in Early Childhood Education and Teaching Certified Consultant in Economics Certified Consultant in Education Certified Consultant in Educational + Instructional Media Design Certified Consultant in Educational Leadership Certified Consultant in Educational Leadership and Administration Certified Consultant in Educational Psychology Certified Consultant in Electrical Certified Consultant in Electrical Engineering Certified Consultant in Elementary Education and Teaching Certified Consultant in Elementary Reading and Literacy (Grades preK-6) Certified Consultant in Elementary and Middle School Administration + Principal ship Certified Consultant in Emotional Behavioral Disorders (K-12) Certified Consultant in Energy Resources Management Certified Consultant in Energy Resources Management and Policy Certified Consultant in Engineering + Industrial Management Certified Consultant in Engineering Management Certified Consultant in English Certified Consultant in English Language Learning Certified Consultant in Entrepreneurship Certified Consultant in Entrepreneurship + Entrepreneurial Studies Certified Consultant in Environmental Management Certified Consultant in Executive Certificate Programs Certified Consultant in Family Psychology Certified Consultant in Family Studies Certified Consultant in Family and Community Services Certified Consultant in Finance Certified Consultant in Financial Management Information Systems Certified Consultant in General Certified Consultant in General Management Certified Consultant in General Program Certified Consultant in General Studies Certified Consultant in Geography Certified Consultant in Geriatric Health Certified Consultant in Gerontology Certified Consultant in Global Business Certified Consultant in Global Issues in Criminal Justice Certified Consultant in Business Administration Certified Consultant in Health Care Administration + Management Certified Consultant in Medical Psychology Certified Consultant in Health Administration Informatics Certified Consultant in Health Care Administration Certified Consultant in Health Care Management Certified Consultant in Health Education Certified Consultant in Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences Certified Consultant in Health Services Certified Consultant in Health Teacher Education Certified Consultant in Health and Medical Administrative Services Certified Consultant in Healthcare Administration Certified Consultant in Healthcare Administration (M.H.A.) Certified Consultant in Higher Education Certified Consultant in Higher Education + Higher Education Administration Certified Consultant in History and Theology Certified Consultant in Homeland Security Management Certified Consultant in Hospitality and Tourism (HR Management) Certified Consultant in Entry Diploma in HR Management Certified Consultant in Human Resources Management + Personnel Administration Certified Consultant in IT Management Certified Consultant in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Certified Consultant in Informatics Certified Consultant in Information Assurance Certified Consultant in Information Resources Management + CIO Training Certified Consultant in Information Systems Certified Consultant in Information Systems Management (M.I.S.M.) Certified Consultant in Information Systems Security Certified Consultant in Information Systems and Services Certified Consultant in Information Technology (MSIT) Certified Consultant in Information Technology Systems Certified Consultant in Insurance Certified Consultant in Integrated Circuits Engineering Certified Consultant in Integrating Technology in the Classroom (Grades K-12) Certified Consultant in Interdisciplinary Studies Management Certified Consultant in International Business International Business + Trade + Commerce Certified Consultant in International Commerce Certified Consultant in International Finance Certified Consultant in International Health Care Certified Consultant in International Management Certified Consultant in International Marketing Certified Consultant in International Non Governmental Organizations Certified Consultant in Junior High + Intermediate + Middle School Education and Teaching Certified Consultant in Kinesiology and Exercise Science Certified Consultant in Knowledge and Learning Management Certified Consultant in Law Certified Consultant in Leadership Development and Coaching Certified Consultant in Leadership and Executive Management Certified Consultant in Leadership of Learning Certified Consultant in Learning Disabilities (K-12) Certified Consultant in Learning and Technology Certified Consultant in legal Studies Certified Consultant in Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas Certified Consultant in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certified Consultant in Management (Certified Consultant in Management (MSM Certified Consultant in Management Information Systems Certified Consultant in Management and Innovation Certified Consultant in Management of Technological Systems Certified Consultant in Marketing Certified Consultant in Marketing + Marketing Management Certified Consultant in Marriage and Family Therapy Certified Consultant in Marriage and Family Therapy + Counseling Certified Consultant in of Science in Accounting and Financial Management Certified Consultant in of Science in Management Certified Consultant in Mathematics Certified Consultant in Mathematics (5-9 or 9-12) Certified Consultant in Mathematics Education (K-6 Certified Consultant in Mathematics Teacher Education Certified Consultant in Measurement and Evaluation Certified Consultant in Media Psychology Certified Consultant in Mental Health Counseling Certified Consultant in Mental Health Counseling + Counselor Certified Consultant in Microelectronics and Semiconductor Engineering Certified Consultant in Middle Level Education Certified Consultant in Missions Certified Consultant in Multi-Interdisciplinary Studies Certified Consultant in New Testament Master in Newsweek MBA Certified Consultant in Non-Profit + Public + Organizational Management Certified Consultant in Nonprofit Management Certified Consultant in Nonprofit Management and Leadership (M.S. NP) Certified Consultant in Nonprofit and Association Management Certified Consultant in Nursing + Registered Nurse (RN Certified Consultant in Nursing Administration (MSN Certified Consultant in Occupational Safety and Health Certified Consultant in Occupational Therapy + Therapist Certified Consultant in Old Testament Certified Consultant in Operations Management Certified Consultant in Organizational Management Certified Consultant in Organizational Psychology and Development Certified Consultant in Organizational and Human Resource Development Certified Consultant in Physician Assistant Certified Consultant in Policing Certified Consultant in Procurement and Contract Management Certified Consultant in Project Management Certified Consultant in Psychology Certified Consultant in Public Administration Certified Consultant in Public Administration (M.P.A.) Certified Consultant in Public Administration and Social Service Professions Certified Consultant in Public Management and Leadership Certified Consultant in Public Policy Analysis Certified Consultant in Public Relations Certified Consultant in Public Safety Certified Consultant in Public Safety Management Certified Consultant in Reading Teacher Education Certified Consultant in Risk Management Certified Consultant in School Psychology Certified Consultant in Science Certified Consultant in Science (5-9 or 9-12) Certified Consultant in Science Education (5-9 or 5-12) Certified Consultant in Science Teacher Education + General Science Teacher Education Certified Consultant in Secondary Education and Teaching Certified Consultant in Secondary School Administration + Principal ship Certified Consultant in Social Science (5-12) Certified Consultant in Social Science Teacher Education Certified Consultant in Social Work Certified Consultant in Software Engineering Certified Consultant in Special Education Certified Consultant in Speech-Language Pathology Certified Consultant in Special Education (PK-12) Certified Consultant in Sport Management Certified Consultant in Systems Engineering Certified Consultant in Teacher Education Certified Consultant in Teacher Education and Professional Development Certified Consultant in Teacher Leadership Certified Consultant in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language + ESL Language Instructor Certified Consultant in Teaching Literacy and Language Certified Consultant in Teaching Mathematics Certified Consultant in Teaching Science Certified Consultant in Teaching Students With Special Needs Certified Consultant in Teaching With Technology Certified Consultant in Teaching and Learning Certified Consultant in Technology Certified Consultant in Technology Management Certified Consultant in Technology Management (MSTM) Certified Consultant in Technology Teacher Education + Industrial Arts Teacher Education Certified Consultant in Telecommunications Management Tourism and Travel Services Management Certified Consultant in e-Business Certified Consultant in e-Government Certified Consultant in Technology Management Certified Consultant in Accounting and Finance Certified Consultant in Biotechnology Certified Consultant in Communications Certified Consultant in Computer Information Systems (CIS) Certified Consultant in Engineering Certified Consultant in Environmental Health Certified Consultant in Exercise Science Certified Consultant in Health Sciences Certified Consultant in Human Resources Certified Consultant in Human Services Certified Consultant in Journalism Certified Consultant in Knowledge Management Certified Consultant in Languages Certified Consultant in Library Science Certified Consultant in Music Certified Consultant in Naturopathy Certified Consultant in Nursing Certified Consultant in Occupational Safety Certified Consultant in Organization and Management Certified Consultant in Public Health Certified Consultant in Religion Certified Consultant in Risk Management and Insurance Certified Consultant in Sport and Fitness Administration and Management للتفاصيل: WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE كلية ولدنبرج الدولية www.waldenburginternationalcollege.org.uk Wicm32@yahoo.com
- accounting
- english
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الكلمات الدليلية:
أقدم لكم اليوم هدية قيمة لجميع طلابنا الأحباب في قسم اللغة الانجليزية وهي شرح فيديو كامل لمادة English college : المحاضرة الأولى: http://videos.najah.edu/node/142 المحاضرة الثانية: http://videos.najah.edu/node/319
السلام عليكم... الكثير يسمع ويقرأ فى اعلانات الصحف متطلبات عديدة للوظائف الشاغرة... من احد اهم هذه المتطلبات ان يكون المتقدم Fluent in English حد يعرف يعنى ايه؟ Fluent يعنى فصيح ومسترسل فى الحديث طيب كيف اكون Fluent in English؟ الصراحة الموضوع محتاج تدريبات كثيرة وانا هنا اضع بين ايدى اصدقائى الراغبى التميز الحقيقى فى اللغة الانجليزية كورس مسموع اكثر من ممتاز وانا شخصيا اضمن لك تطور ملحوظ فى نطقك للانجليزية من خلال هذا الكورس اذا التزمت بساعتين يوميا لمدة شهر واحد فقط (60 ساعة)... حاول ولن تندم اذا كنت تريد ان تدخل المقابلة الشخصية وانت فعلا واثق بانك Fluent in English والان اليك روابط الكورس http://dc32.4shared.com/img/37963091/6ed3b41/Fluent_English.pdf رابط الكتاب اضغط هنا رابط الاسطوانة الاولى اضغط هنا رابط الاسطونة الثانية اضغط هنا رابط الاسطوانة الثالثة اضغط هنا كلمة سر فك الملفات المضغوطة هى mismael
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته انفلونزا الخنازير أو " Swine Flu " بالإنجليزية.. تحدِّ جديد يواجه العالم المليء بالمشاكل أصلا.. بعد مواجهة طويلة لم تنتهي بعد مع انفلونزا الطيور " Avian Flu " .. انفلونزا الخنازير والتي يسببها فيروس الانفلونزا " Influenza Virus " من النوع A.. والذي يتنتشر على شكل وباء في المناطق المصابة.. وهو من السلالة " H1N1 ".. ويتميز هذا النوع من الفيروسات بما يسمى " التحور الجيني - Antigenic Variation ".. والذي يستخدمه الفيروس لإنتاج سلالات جديدة مختلفة الجينات.. وهذا هو محور الخطر في هذا المرض.. حيث أن هذه الخاصية تجعل من عملية احتواء الفيروس ومكافحته وتصنيع اللقاحات الخاصة به عملية صعبة جدا.. المعرضون للإصابة بهذا الفيروس هم القريبون من الخنازير بشتى أصنافها.. كعمال مزارع الخنازير ومذابحها.. وللأسف الشديد.. فإن هذا الفيروس ينتقل من شخص لآخر أيضا عن طريق التنفس.. لذلك يعتبر هذا المرض من الأمراض الخطيرة التي يجب أن يتخذ لها الجميع الاحتياطات المناسبة لتجنب الإصابة بها.. وقد رفعت منظمة الصحة العالمية مستوى الإنذار بجائحة الأنفلونزا من المرحلة الخامسة إلى المرحلة السادسة ( وباء عالمي ) وكما أوردت منظمة الصحة العالمية.. فإن هذا المرض لا تتم العدوى به من خلال لحوم ومنتجات الخنزير.. ولكن فقط من خلال استنشاقه أثناء التنفس.. خصوصا للقريبين من حيوانات أو أشخاص مصابين.. والقلق العالمى الحالى من المرض يتمثل فى أن أكثر الفئات العمرية إصابة به من الشباب فى حين أن الأنفلونزا العادية تصيب صغار السن أو كبار السن وتلك الفئة العمرية لم تصب حتى الآن فى المكسيك (أولى الدول في ظهور المرض ) ومعظم الإصابات بين الشباب . وتتمثل أعراض المرض فى ارتفاع فى درجات الحرارة وكحة وألم بالجسم وصداع ورشح أو زكام وفى بعض الحالات قد يحدث قىء وإسهال، وفقدان الوعى الذى يمكن أن ينتهى بالوفاة . والوقاية من انفلونزا الخنازير تبدأ بغسل اليدين بالماء والصابون باستمرار، والتأكد من تغطية الفم والأنف أثناء السعال أو العطس ومن الأفضل استخدام منديل والتخلص منه بعد الاستعمال مباشرة، وإبعاد اليد عن الأنف والفم والعينين، والحرص على التنظيف المستمر للأسطح والأرضيات بالمطهرات، والتزام البيت عند الشعور بأعراض الأنفلونزا واستشارة الطبيب، وتجنب الأماكن المزدحمة. كذلك ينبغي القيام بعادات النظافة العامة.. وتجنب الاتصال بالمرضى والابتعاد بقدر الإمكان عن الأماكن المزدحمة والغير نظيفة.. مع الراحة الجيدة والتغذية السليمة.. كيف تقوي مناعتك ضد الفيروس؟ العديد من الناس لديهم مناعة ضد السلالة الحالية من الفيروس ، ومعظم الناس لن يمرضوا لأن الأمر يتعلق بعدم قابليتهم للمرض. الفيروس لن يتكاثر في جسم سليم يتمتع بصحة جيدة. نحن نمتلك بكتيريا عنقودية في حناجرنا ، لكننا نادرا ما نعاني من التهاب الحنجرة ، الأمر ذاته ينطبق على فيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير ، المرض سوف يتفشى إذا ما كانت مناعة الشخص منخفضة وكانت حيويته ضعيفة. إذا ما أصبت بالزكام لا تحاول اتخاذ أي إجراء لوقف المواد المخاطية من الخروج ، دع جسمك يتخلص من السموم. معظم الفيروسات تصبح أقل عدوانية بمرور الوقت لأنها تريد أن تنتشر لا أن تقضي على الجسم الذي يستضيفها، ذلك أنها إذا قتلت الجسم المضيف ستموت هي أيضا. الفيروسات التي تظل حية هي تلك التي تكون في أجساد تمتلك مناعة قوية، وهؤلاء يذهبون إلى العمل ويصافحون الآخرين ويعطسون في أي مكان ، لذا يساهمون في نشر الفيروس دون أن يعلموا. و أليكم هذا الموقع الذي يحتوي علي معلومات مفيده عن أنفلونزا الخنازير H1N1
الكتاب الأول المفردات المستخدمه فى الأعمال http://dc126.4shared.com/img/89531485/7ec864e/Cambridge_-_Business_Vocabulary_in_Use.pdf الرابط هنا الكتاب الثانى الأخطاء الشائعه http://dc126.4shared.com/img/89532742/25ce4d56/Cambridge_-_Common_Mistakes_At_First_Certificate.pdf الرابط هنا الكتاب الثالث الاحترافيه فى اللغة الانجليزية http://dc126.4shared.com/img/89531975/88ac09d2/Cambridge_-_Certificate_of_Proficiency_in_English_1.pdf الرابط هنا
Withholding Tax Law Training Course in Riyadh Course Information Date : 27-28 Oct. 2009 Time : 9.00 am – 3.30 pm Venue : Riyadh Language: English Who should attend? The course is designed for finance and tax specialists, tax advisors, accountants, lawyers, business planners, contract specialists. This practical course will help you to: - Understand the fundamental of Zakat and Income Tax regulations. - Know who is subject to Withholding Tax. - Understand Withholder's Obligations. - Build an understanding of Withholding Tax rules. - Know the activities subject to Withholding Tax - Know the Withholding Tax Rate. - Learn how to fill in monthly and annual Withholding Tax forms and Timing. - Learn how to minimize Withholding Tax burden on contracts and agreements. Course Material & Leader - Scientific material is prepared and reviewed by Dr. Sultan Al Sultan - Course will be conducted by a specialized practitioner active in tax field for more than 10 years How to register Phone : 0096612068444 mobile: 0565855894 E-mail : aljonah@alsultangroup.com
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السلام عليكم ياشبا ب وجدت موقع ممكن تتعلم منه الغة الانجليزية بدون عناء وبطريقه سهلة جدا من هنا http://www.1000zoom.com/learn-slang-english/ http://www.1000zoom.com/howtolearnenglish.htm ولا تنسو الدعاء والردو د
[align=center]اليومـ جبتلكم مصطلحات English موضوعه في جمل متأكد انها حتساعدكم للتعبير عن شعوركمـ ... Hi اول شي ادري انو الموضوع شويا طويل بس ديه جمل كتير و مفيدة وملاحظه في كام تعليق باللون الموف مش معنى او ترجمه ديه تعليقاتي ملاحظه تانيه انا كتبت الكلمه وحطيت لها جمله + معناها بالعربي angry: غاضب "She was angry with her boss for criticising her work." "He made her very angry." appalled: مصدوم very shocked: "The staff were appalled to hear that they would all lose their jobs." ashamed: خجلان "How could you say such a thing? You should be ashamed of yourself!" at the end of your tether = متضايق تماما completely fed up: "The children have been misbehaving all day - I'm at the end of my tether." bewildered = مرتبك very confused: "He was bewildered by the choice and range of computers in the shop, and didn't know which one to buy." betrayed = خائن للثقة when your trust in someone is destroyed by what they do or say: "He betrayed my trust when he repeated my secret to everyone." ^ ^ استخدمها كتير بالزمن ده للاسف ^^ confused: ملخبط "I'm sorry I forgot your birthday - I was confused about the dates." confident = واثق من قدراته sure of your abilities: "I'm confident that we can find a solution to this problem." cheated = غششت خدعت when you don't get something that you think you deserve: "Of course I feel cheated - I should have won that competition." cross = غاضب جدا quite angry: "I was cross with him for not helping me, as he said he would." depressed = محبط very sad: "After he failed his English exam, he was depressed for a week." delighted = مسرور very happy: "I'm delighted that I got the job. It's just what I always wanted." down in the dumps = مكتئب sad and fed up: "What's the matter with him? He's so down in the dumps these days." disappointed: خاب أمله "She was disappointed by her son's poor results at school." ^ ^ ecstatic = منتشي extremely happy: "When he asked her to marry him she was ecstatic." excited: منفعل "I'm excited by the new opportunities that the internet brings." ^ ^ emotional = متهيج العاطفة you have strong feelings (happy or sad) and you cry: "After the operation was over and he knew that he was healthy again, he became quite emotional." envious = حسود when you want something that someone else has: "I'm very envious of her happiness - I wish I was happy too." embarrassed = خجلان slightly ashamed: "I felt so embarrassed about what I said, that my face went bright red." furious = في غاية الغضب very angry: "I was furious with him for breaking my favourite vase." frightened: خائف "As a child she was frightened by the dark." great = عظيم Allah IS GREAT very good: "I feel great today!" happy: سعيد "She was happy to hear the good news." horrified: مرعوب = very shocked: "I'm horrified by the amount of violence on television today." irritated = annoyed: متضايق "I get so irritated when he changes TV channels without asking me first." intrigued = متحمس لمعرفة شيئ جديد being so interested in something you have to find out more: "I'm intrigued to hear about your safari in Kenya - you have to show me the photos." jealous = غيور envious: "She was jealous of her sister's new toy." jaded =يشعر بالملل tired and having no interest: "New employees think this is a great company, but after 10 years here, I've seen it all and I just feel jaded." lazy: كسول "I can't be bothered to do anything today - I feel really lazy!" lucky: محظوظ "I'm going to play the lottery - I feel lucky today!" let down : يشعر بالخذلان "You said you would come to the meeting, but when you didn't, I felt really let down." maternal :حنون كالأم feeling protective and loving, like a mother: "Looking at my sister's new baby made me feel really maternal." nonplussed : مرتبك so surprised that you don't know what to do next: "I was so nonplussed by his sudden announcement that I couldn't say anything." negative :غير مهتم when you can only see the disadvantages: "I feel very negative about my job - the hours are too long and the pay is awful." overwhelmed مغمور بعاطفة جياشة so much emotion that you don't know what to say or do: "as overwhelmed by the offer of promotion at work." over the moon = في غاية الإنبساط delighted: "She was over the moon with her new bicycle and rode it every day for a whole year." positive ايجابي opposite of negative - seeing the good side of something: "She's a very positive person and never lets anything get her down." positive متأكد very sure: "Are you sure that's what you want? Yes - I'm positive." pensive: كثير التأمل thoughtful: "You're in a very pensive mood today. Is everything OK?" relaxed: مسترخي "I was completely relaxed after I came back from holiday." reluctant = متردد when you don't want to do something: "I'm reluctant to buy a new car - the one we have is fine." seething : يكتم غضبه extremely angry, but hiding it: "She was seething after her boss criticised her." sad:حزين "It makes me sad to see all those animals in cages at the zoo." scared:مرعوب frightened: "Are you scared of heights?" stressed=متوتر being worried or anxious about something so you can't relax: "I really stressed at work - I need a break." "He was stressed out by all the travelling in his job." terrific :رائع fantastic, really good: "I feel terrific today!" terrible :فظيع ill or tired: "I've got a blinding headache and I feel terrible." terrified: مرعوب very scared: "She's terrified of spiders and screams whenever she sees one." tense : متوتر الأعصاب not relaxed: "You look a bit tense. Did you have a bad day at work?" upset = زعلان angry or unhappy: "I'm sorry you're upset - I didn't mean to be rude." unhappy = زعلان sad: "I was unhappy to hear that I hadn't got the job." victimised = يحس أنه ضحية to feel you are the victim of someone or something: "My boss kept criticising me and not the others, so I felt quite victimised." wonderful = رائع great: "I felt wonderful after such a relaxing weekend المصدر:Free English Material [/align]
الأخوة الكرام هذا رابط برنامج اكسفورد وهو موجود على الروابط ا لتالية كل ما عليك عمله هو تنزيل البرنامج الملفات الثالثة من موقع الرابيد شير ثم فتح الملفات مع بعضا البعض في ملف واحد ثم علم تنصيب للبرنامج مرة واحدة وسوف تجدون ما يسركم لقد قمت بتحميل البرنامج وهو رائع وها هي الروابط : http://rapidshare.com/files/16711667/Oxford_Business_English_Dictionary_For_Learners_Of_English.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/16736294/Oxford_Business_English_Dictionary_For_Learners_Of_English.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/16753517/Oxford_Business_English_Dictionary_For_Learners_Of_English.part3.rar