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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

عندي 3 اسئلة احتاج لها حل من اصل 50 سؤال تم الاجابه عليها -- اتمنى من اصحاب الخبره في مجال المحاسبة مساعدتي في الموضوع

ارفقت الاسئله بلمف منفصل منسق


Interpreting Accounts Receivable & Footnote Disclosure following is the current asset section from the W.W.Graninger, Inc., balance sheet

Posted Image

Grainger reports the following footnote relating to its receivables:

Allowance for doubtful accounts

The following table shows the activity in the allowance for doubtful accounts:


a. What amount do customers owe Grainger at each of the year-ends 2001 through 2003?

b. What percentage of those accounts receivable on a dose Grainger feel are uncollectible? (Hint: prepare of accounts = Allowance for uncollectible accounts/ Gross accounts receivable).

c. What amount of bad debts expense did Grainger report in its income statement for each of the years 2001 through 2003?

d. Explain the changes in the balance of the allowance for uncollectible accounts from 2002 to 2003. Specifically, did the allowance increase or decrease as a percentage of gross accounts receivable, and why?

e. If Grainger had kept its 2003 allowance for uncollectible accounts at the same percentage of gross accounts receivable as it was in 2002, by what amount would its profit have changed (ignore taxes)? Explain


Analyzing &computing Warranty Liability & Expense Waymire Company sells a motor that carries a 60-day unconditional warranty against product failure. Waymire estimates that between the sale and lapse of the product warranty, 2% of the 69,000 units sold this period will require repair at an average cost of $50 per unit. Warranty costs for 1,000 known failures are already reflected in its financial statements, resulting in a current warranty liability of $ 10,000 on the balance sheet.

a. How much additional warranty expense must Waymire report in its income statements and what amount of additional warranty liabilities must it report on its balance sheet for this year?


Analyzing &Reporting Financial Statement Effects of Bond Transactions on January 1, 2005, Piotroski, inc., borrowed $700,000 on 12%, 15-year mortgage note payable. The note is to be repaid in equal semiannual installments of $ 50,854 ( on June 30 and December 31). Indicate the financial statement effects using the following template for

(a) Issuance of the mortgage note payable,

(B) Payment of the first installment on June 30, 2005,

© Payment of the second installment on December 31, 2005

الجدول الواجب استخدامه يحتوي على

Balance sheet Income Statement

Transaction Cash asset Noncash asset liabilities Contrib. capital Retained earning (revenues - expenses)




اتمنى توضيح الامر

جراكم الله كل خير

  • المشرفين العموميين

أخي الفاضل

أتوقع أنك تريد إجابة الأسئلة باللغة الأنجليزية لذلك سوف أعرضها هنا و لكن عليك مناقشتها باللغة العربية لكي يصل جميع الأعضاء إلى الأستفادة المرجوة بإذن الله تعالى

the answer for the first question


as it is shown in the balance sheet and the footnote

for the year 2001 at the end

customers balance will be = 454180 + 30552 = 484732

for the year 2002 at the end

customers balance will be = 423240 + 26868 = 450108

for the year 2003 at the end

customers balance will be = 402824 + 24736 = 426560


the percentage of those accounts receivable on a dose Grainger feel are uncollectable

first before calculate the percentage according to the given hint we have to determine what is the expected uncollectable accounts receivable

the formula for that will be

the expected uncollectable receivables = balance at beginning of period for allowance of doubtful accounts + the increment or the decrement to the provision

the increment or the decrement to the provision you can find in the footnote which titled provision for uncollectable accounts

so the final formula will be to answer this question is

(Balance at beginning of period for allowance of doubtful accounts+ the increment or decrement to the provision ) / the gross accounts receivable which we obtain in "A" question

for the year 2001

(23436+21483)x100/484732 = 9.27%

for the year 2002

(30552+13328)x100/450108 = 9.75%

for the year 2003

(26868+9263)x100/426560 = 8.47%


if we have a look to the balance sheet and the previous question which it show the percentage of allowance for doubtful accounts we will note that the percentage fall from 9.75% to 8.47%


as we answered section D the percentage will change from 9.75% to 8.47% making difference = 9.75-8.47 = 1.28%

1.28% of the customers gross balance in 2003 = 426560 x 1.28% = 546

and this will be the change in the profit and of course we can say that if the percentage of the allowance constant through the year 2003 this will make the profit less than the actual profit of 2003 by the amount of 546

that is all



" وَقُلْ رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا "

Abdelhamid M



اشكرك اخي الكريم على الاجابه الواضحه - Analyzing &computing Accrued Warranty Liability & Expense Waymire Company sells a motor that carries a 60-day unconditional warranty against product failure. Waymire estimates that between the sale and lapse of the product warranty, 2% of the 69,000 units sold this period will require repair at an average cost of $50 per unit. Warranty costs for 1,000 known failures are already reflected in its financial statements, resulting in a current warranty liability of $ 10,000 on the balance sheet. السؤال a. How much additional warranty expense must Waymire report in its income statements and what amount of additional warranty liabilities must it report on its balance sheet for this year? ----------- Analyzing &Reporting Financial Statement Effects of Bond Transactions on January 1, 2005, Piotroski, inc., borrowed $700,000 on 12%, 15-year mortgage note payable. The note is to be repaid in equal semiannual installments of $ 50,854 (Payable on June 30 and December 31). Indicate the financial statement effects using the following template for (a) Issuance of the mortgage note payable, (B) Payment of the first installment on June 30, 2005, © Payment of the second installment on December 31, 2005. الجدول الواجب استخدامه يحتوي على Balance sheet Income Statement Transaction Cash asset Noncash asset liabilities Contrib. capital Retained earning (revenues - expenses) a. b. c. كما تفضلت فاني بحاجه الى الاجابه باللغة الاجنبيه وان شاءالله سوف اقوم بطرح ترجمة للمصطلحات باللغة العربيه

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الجواب للسؤالِ الأولِ


كما هو يُشوّفُ في الميزان صفحةَ والهامشَ

للسَنَةِ 2001 في النهايةِ

ميزان زبائنِ سَيَكُونُ = 454180 + 30552 = 484732

للسَنَةِ 2002 في النهايةِ

ميزان زبائنِ سَيَكُونُ = 423240 + 26868 = 450108

للسَنَةِ 2003 في النهايةِ

ميزان زبائنِ سَيَكُونُ = 402824 + 24736 = 426560


إنّ نسبة مئويةَ أولئك حساب الذمم المدينةِ على a جرعة Grainger ملمس غير قابل للجمع

أولاً قَبْلَ أَنْ يَحْسبُ النسبة المئويةَ طبقاً للتلميحِ المُعطى الذي نحن يَجِبُ أَنْ نُقرّرَ الذي حساب الذمم المدينةُ الغير قابل للجمعُ المتوقّعُ

الصيغة لتلك سَتَكُونُ

حسابات المبيعات الغير قابلة للجمع المتوقّعة = ميزان في بِداية الفترةِ لعلاوةِ الحساباتِ المريبةِ + الزيادة أَو التناقص إلى البندِ

الزيادة أَو التناقص إلى البندِ الذي أنت يُمْكِنُ أَنْ تَجدَ في الهامشِ الذي عَنونَ البندَ للحساباتِ الغير قابلة للجمعِ

لذا الصيغة النهائية سَتَكُونُ لإجابة هذا السؤالِ

(ميزان في بِداية الفترةِ لعلاوةِ الحساباتِ المريبةِ + الزيادة أَو التناقص إلى البندِ) / حساب الذمم المدينة الإجمالي الذي نَحْصلُ عليهم في "أي" سؤال

للسَنَةِ 2001

(23436+21483) x 100/484732 = 9.27 %

للسَنَةِ 2002

(30552+13328) x 100/450108 = 9.75 %

للسَنَةِ 2003

(26868+9263) x 100/426560 = 8.47 %


إذا نَنْظرُ إلى الميزانيةِ والسؤالِ السابقِ الذي يُشوّفُ النسبة المئويةَ مِنْ علاوةِ للحساباتِ المريبةِ التي نحن سَنُلاحظُ بأنّ النسبة المئويةَ تَسْقطُ مِنْ 9.75 % إلى 8.47 %


بينما أجبنَا قسماً دي النسبة المئوية سَتَتغيّرُ مِنْ 9.75 % إلى 8.47 % تَجْعلُ إختلافاً = 9.75-8.47 = 1.28%

1.28 % مِنْ ميزانِ مجموع الزبائنَ الإجمالي في 2003 = 426560 x 1.28 % = 546

وهذا سَيَكُونُ التغييرَ في الربحِ وبالطبع نحن يُمْكِنُ أَنْ نَقُولَ بأنّ إذا النسبة المئويةِ مِنْ العلاوةِ ثابتينِ خلال السَنَةِ 2003 هذه سَتُحقّقُ الأرباحَ أقل مِنْ الربحَ الفعليَ مِنْ 2003 بكميةِ 546

ذلك كُلّ


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