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عندي بروجكت مهم في مساق intermediate accounting

واتمنى القى الافادة منكم

2- Prepare the required journal entries and accounting treatments for following situations:

  • Depositing the founders the required cash.
  • Paying different expense before the incorporation (such as feasibility study expenses and legal fees, and stationary expenses). What is the appropriate accounting treatment for such expenses (before and after the incorporation).
  • Issuing common stock (cash and in-kind)
  • In the case of receiving more cash form the investors than the required capital, what is the appropriate accounting treatment in such a situation.
  • What are the procedures required to increase a capital in a listed company in the UAE? Name four accounting treatments that can be used for such a situation (increasing the capital) and prepare the journal entries.
  • Name three accounting treatments that can be used for decreasing the capital and prepare the journal entries (if any).
هذا الجزء الثاني من السؤال طبعا جوهر السؤال هو خطوات تأسيس incorporating a public joint stock company في الامارات

فياليت تساعدوني واكون شاكرة لكم ..

جزاكم الله كل خير وبارك فيكم ..

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