Noha22 بتاريخ: 15 فبراير 2010 تقديم بلاغ بتاريخ: 15 فبراير 2010 New Strategies for Banks WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE The Program me is designed for high-ranking bank executives who are challenged by the rapid transformation of the banking industry – deregulation, worldwide integration, new competitors and financial and technological innovations. This seminar will help the participants to choose which strategy their bank should select, and how to protect national economic and financial systems during the present crisis. CURRICULUM The study program me includes the following subjects: Part I: International Banking: The Capital Market and the World Economy in times of Global Financial Crisis Finance of International Trade in times of Global Crisis– Encouraging Export Emerging Markets- Threats and Opportunities Part II: Mutual Relationship between the Government and Banks: Fiscal and Monetary Policies- the role of the government and banks in handling financial crisis The effect of a Bank’s Policy on a Local Market Full Employment Policy Protection of Private Savings National Security Policy – dealing with the unemployment threat Part III: Banking Strategies: Bank of Israel Policy – Stanley Fisher's Way of Protecting the Banking System The Stock Exchange and its Conservative Measures Part IV: Risk Management: Risk Analysis and Management in Banking: Market Risks Interest Risks Foreign Currency Risks BASEL II Approach and its Impact on Risk Management Credit Risk Measurement during Financial Recession Credit Scoring for Private Borrowers during Financial Recession The Value at Risk (VAR) Model Financial Ratios and Leverage Operational Risks: Technological Risks Legal Risks Frauds and Human Risks Risk Adjusted Rate of Return on Capital (RAROC) Part V: Sophisticated Financial Tools: Sophisticated Financial Tools after the fall of the CDOs and ARSs Part VI: Micro and Rural Finance: Microfinance: The Promise and Limitations Rural Finance: How will the poor deal with the Crisis? Part VII: Management Skills: Time Management, Conflict Resolution and Leadership and Synergetic Decision Making Human Resources: Management and Development Financial Innovations in International Banking NOTE: The above curriculum outline is intended as a guide only. The sequence of course offerings is subject to change at the discretion of the administration. Contact us: WALDENBURG INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE
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