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Dear Budies

Here we are again in CMA Part One , but this time starting the discussions following a new strategy

our new strategy is to don't add a complete material in Arabic language as we used to do , but we have to practice CMA contents by discuss it in English Language , and this is because of strengthen the language and to keep the student in a good status

First of all i will encourage everybody to get the Hock study Materials because really this material is professional material and More over this it facilitates the non English spoken students to understand the material in a good and deep way as well

And also i encourage everybody to get the Gleim Test Prep. the newest one because it is the most powerful test tool in the market and its Questions Libraries will be updated if there is any new questions obtained , Of cours this will be for the genuine copies only

Anyway at the end , what i have to say to those who is searching about the best way to be CMA , don't worry just get the proper studying material and concentrate and what every you want to discuss here in the forum you can discuss freely , and if you will navigate through the CMA Part One forum you will find out all the topics required which it mentioned in the Learning Outcome Statements from IMA themselves and this will guide you through any study related to CMA

In the CMA Part One forum we will discuss the uncleared Points and topics and questions as well , so if there is any question please please please search about the appropriate topic and insert your question or explanation or comments or any thing in the right place

Here in the forum you will find all the tools required , we can add a math formulas and attach photos and reused in topic body and attach a different files

I will be glad if i will receive any remarks related to this

Thanks for All


" وَقُلْ رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا "

Abdelhamid M


  • بعد 4 شهور...
  • بعد 4 أسابيع...

Thank you for your help.. 1. I want to know that can i do the CMA from Saudi? & How can i get the Material? i mean from which institute or organisation that can provide me the material? (inside Saudi Arabia -Jeddah). 2. What are the differencies between the CPA, CMA & CFA? 3. Which one is more superer? 4. do i require any experience of work to apply for the CPA, CMA or CFA Exames? Thank you Waleed AL-Esayi


1. I want to know that can i do the CMA from Saudi - Jeddah?

and how can i get the marerial? i mean from which institute or

organisation? in Saudi - Jeddah?

2. can you tell me any istitute give a class for it in Jeddah?

3. What are the differencies between CPA, CMA & CPA?

4. which one is more superer?

5. do i require any work experince to apply for the CPA, CMA or CFA


( i know i have asked you so many questions, but im sorry bez i want to know all the details about it?

Thank you

Waleed AL-Esayi

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