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سلام عليكم اخواني اطرح بين ايديكم هذا الرابط لموقع محاسبة باللغة الانجليزية فيه من الاثراء المحاسبي ما لايمكن وصفه بالاضافة اى فورمات جاهزة وفيه من المواضيع المحاسبيه والنقاشات الكثير وقد اقتبست لكم احدى هذه النقاشات واليكم الرابط ولا تنسونا بدعوه صالحه في ظهر الغيب. www.accountingcoach.com

What is the meaning of sundry and sundry debtors?

Sundry can mean various, miscellaneous, or diverse. Sundry debtors might refer to a company’s customers who rarely make purchases on credit and the amounts they purchase are not significant.

I suspect that the term sundry was more common when bookkeeping was a manual task. In other words, prior to the low cost of computers and accounting software, a bookkeeper had to add a page to the company’s ledger book for every new customer. If a new page was added for every occasional customer, the ledger book would become unwieldly. It was more practical to have one page entitled sundry on which those occasional customers’ small transactions were entered.

With the efficiency and low cost of today’s accounting systems, I believe the need for classifying customers and accounts as sundry has been greatly reduced

Best regard

ibrahim mohgram

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