اذهب إلى المحتوى

مركز المجد للتدريب

  • إجمالي الأنشطة

  • تاريخ الانضمام

  • آخر نشاط

كل منشورات العضو مركز المجد للتدريب

  1. يسر مركز المجد للجودة وتطوير الموارد البشرية بدعوتكم للمشاركة بدورة : طرق صياغة العقود والاتفاقيات والمذكرات وفقا للأصول الحديثة للصيغة القانونية باعتماد من جامعة غرب امريكيا و كليات هارفرد و كامبرج و مانشستر الدوليات للتدريب تاريخ ومكان انعقاد الدورات التدريبية : تعقد الدورات بشكل اسبوعي وعلى مدار العام في كل من الاردن و اسطنبول و ماليزيا و دبي والقاهرة وشرم الشيخ و بيروت و المغرب و تونس و لندن والمانيا واندونيسيا و مدريد و برشلونة روما و فينا ولشبونة و فارنا و ستوكهولم و سنغافورا و هونج كونج و سيؤول و كندا و باريس و اثينا و اوسلو و بوخارست و يوغوسلافيا و بكين و تايلند و مومباي و البرازيل. ويمكنكم مراسلتنا عبر معلومات الاتصال التالية : الموقع الالكتروني : www.almjd-hr.com البريد الالكتروني : almjdhra@yahoo.com info@almjd-hr.com : جوال واتس اب و فايبر: 00962795447255 وفيما يلي بقية دورات القانون: 7. دورة الجوانب القانونية والأمنية للعمليات الإلكترونية. 8. دورة أهمية القانون الإداري في أعمال الإدارة العامة. 9. دورة التشريعات القانونية. 10. دورة القانون الإداري. 11. دورة إدارة النزاعات الدولية من الناحية القانونية. 12. دورة لجوانب القانونية للوظيفة العامة 13. دورة صياغة النظم واللوائح القانونية والقرارات الادارية 14. دورة فنون إدارة التحقيق الإداري 15. دورة كتابة وصياغة العقود والمناقصات التجارية 16. دورة مهارات كتابة العقود الفنية 17. دورة مسائل قانونية وأخلاقية في خدمات الرعاية الصحية 18. دورة الصياغة القانونية للقرارات الادارية 19. دورة تنمية مهارات أعضاء الإدارات القانونية 20. دورة التحكيم في منازعات المعاملات والعقود التجارية 21. دورة سلطة التأديب في الوظيفة العامة بين الإدارة والقضاء 22. دورة القانون التجاري. 23. دورة الضمانات ومقاصد تشجيع الاستثمار 24. دورة صياغة إتفاقيات الشراكة المؤسسية والوثائق القانونية ذات الصلة 25. دورة قواعد التسجيل والإدراج للشركات المساهمة 26. دورة تنمية المهارات القانونية لأعضاء إدارات التنمية البشرية,وشؤون الموظفين,والعقود والمشتريات,والشؤون الإدارية والمالية 27. دورة مهارات الكتابة القانونية وتقنيات صياغة التشريعات والعقود. 28. دورة الأصول الفنية فى صياغة المذكرات القانونية. 29. دورة الفكر القانوني المتميز في الاستشارات القانونية وتكوين الرأي القانوني. 30. دورة الأصول القانونية لكتابة المراسلات والمذكرات. 31. دورة المهارات القانونية في الاقناع وبناء الحجة وتحليل القضايا. 32. دورة اتقان فن المناظرات في العمل القانوني والقضائي. 33. دورة المهارات المتكاملة في الشؤون القانونية. 34. دورة أصول المرافعة وإعداد المذكرات والتقارير. 35. دورة أصول وأفضل ممارسات إجراءات التحقيق التأديبي. 36. دورة الصياغة القانوينة وفن المرافعات. 37. دورة مهارات الادعاء والدفاع في القضايا الإدارية. 38. دورة المهارات القانونية وفن صياغة المذكرات والعقود. 39. دورة الجوانب القانونيه في التحقيقات الاداريه وتوقيع الجزاءات. 40. دورة إعداد الدراسات والاستشارات القانونية. 41. دورة مهارات التفسير والتحليل القانوني وصياغة الاجراءات القانونية. 42. دورة الأساليب الحديثة في الصياغة القانونية. 43. دورة اتقان اللغة والكتابة القانونية . 44. دورة العقوبات البديلة. 45. دورة تنفيذ الاحكام القضائية. 46. دورة التفكير الابداعي والتحليلي في اعداد الدراسات والبحوث القانونية. 47. دورة الطرق الحديثة واليات الحماية القانونية لعقود التجارة الالكترونية. 48. دورة طرق صياغة العقود والاتفاقيات والمذكرات وفقا للاصول الحديثة للصيغة القانونية. 49. دورة صياغة العقود والاتفاقيات وفقا للاصول الحديثة للصيغة القانونية. 50. دورة الطرق الحديثة واليات الحماية القانونية لعقود التجارة الالكترونية. 51. دورة التفكير الابداعي والتحليل في اعداد الدراسات والبحوث القانونية. 52. دورة استراتيجيات ادارة العقود والحد من المخاطر المالية والقانونية. 53. دورة إدارة العقود والأوامر التغيرية والمطالبات العقـدية. 54. دورة المنظومة المتكاملة لإعداد وكتابة محاضر الجلسات البرلمانية. 55. دورة الرقابة القانونية على العقود والمناقصات. 56. دورة الاسس القانونية لإعداد العقود، المذكرات والقرارات. 57. دورة الإجراءات الحديثة لإعداد وتنفيذ المناقصات والممارسات والمزايدات. 58. دورة الجوانب القانونية للعمليات المصرفيةالجوانب القانونية للعمليات المصرفية. 59. دورة أصول الصياغة النموذجية للعقود وكيفية التصدي لمشاكلها. 60. دورة استراتيجيات اعداد العقود والمناقصات وتحديد المخاطر التعاقدية وتسوية المنازعات. 61. دورة الاستراتيجية الحديثة في تقييم العروض في مجال المناقصات وترسيتها وصياغة عقودها. 62. دورة التقنيات الحديثة في إدارة الجوانب القانونية والإدارية للعقود. 63. دورة أصول التفسير القانوني وكتابة المذكرات القانونية. 64. دورة كتابة العقود وتجنب المنازعات القانونية. 65. دورة تحديد المخاطر وتقييم المطالبات وإجراءات التحكيم. 66. دورة التقنيات الحديثة في تقديم العطاءات والتفاوض وإدارة العقود. 67. دورة تقييم وقياس فعالية إدارة العقود والالتزامات التعاقدية. 68. دورة أساليب التحقيق في حوادث وإصابات العمل. 69. دورة التقنيات المتقدمة في التحقيقات والمنازعات الإدارية. 70. دورة طرق صياغة العقود والاتفاقيات والمذكرات وفقا للأصول الحديثة للصيغة القانونية. يمكنكم الاطلاع على بقية الدورات التدريبية بمختلف المجالات عند زيارة الموقع الالكتروني : www.almjd-hr.com
  2. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  3. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  4. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  5. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  6. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Communication, Coordination and Leadership Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  7. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: The Essentials of Leadership Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  8. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  9. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  10. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Leadership, Influence and Trust Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  11. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: The Leadership Development Programme Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  12. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  13. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  14. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  15. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  16. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  17. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Business Strategy Essentials Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Ledarship and administrative courses: Business Strategy Essentials Effective Business Decisions Using Data Analysis Managing and Leading in a Multi - Cultural Workplace Advanced Communication and Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting , Planning and Decision Making Smart Leadership - Achieving Strategy through Leadership and Innovation The Leadership Development Programme Leadership, Influence and Trust Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies Innovative Leadership Competencies Managerial Leadership Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework The Essentials of Leadership Effective Organisational Leadership Strategy Excellence Communication, Coordination and Leadership Leadership, Creativity and Peak Performance Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation Competency - Based Management Mastering Finance for Non - Financial Oil and Gas Personnel Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Managerial Success Mastering Management Skills Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Customer Service Management Leadership and Decision - Making in Crisis and Emergency Situations Accomplished Office Administrator Effective Self Management Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines The Complete Course on Management Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry The Voice of Leadership Enterprise Content Management Masterclass Management Excellence Masterclass Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Power of Positive Thinking and Attitude Effective Personal Productivity Advanced Communication Skills Continuous Innovation and Process Improvement IT Service Management The Management Essentials Developing Personal Effectiveness with Positive Skills Leading with Confidence The Complete Course on Leadership Improving Productivity and Employee Engagement thru Effective Front Line Leadership Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Pinnacle Effective Business Risk Management Strategies using ISO 31000 Framework Leadership, Vision and Organisational Reality Mastering Supervisory Skills The Art of Strategic Management Communication Essentials High Impact Business Communication Successful Planning, Organising and Delegating Decisions, Dynamics and Leadership Styles Leadership, Innovation and Enterprise Skills Strategy, Risks, Negotiation and Leadership Effective People Skills Mastering Personal and Interpersonal Skills Developing Emotionally Intelligent Management and Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for New Manager and Supervisor Management Reporting and Decision Making Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams Advanced Communication Skills Mastering Strategic Decision Making The Art of Leadership Enterprise Data Secutity and Risk Management Interpersonal Communication Skills The Essentials of Leadership and Management Leadership Best Practices Integrating Strategic, Operational and Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance Achieving Leadership Success through People and Innovation Essential Skills for Oil and Gas Professionals The Complete Course on Management and Leadership Leading Under Pressure Management Skills and Techniques Leadership and Strategic Impact The Professional Negotiator Data Management, Manipulation and Analysis using Excel Effective Time Task and Work Planning Performance Measurements, Continuous Improvement and Benchmarking The Effective Supervisor Leadership and Strategic Thinking in the Oil and Gas Industry Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Fraud, Theft and Corruption in the Workplace Integrating Management Systems and PAS99 - Development, Implementation and Effective Operation Advanced Management - Achieving Superior Performance and Strategic Success Marine Pollution and Management The Three - Dimensions of Leadership Strategic Crisis Management Knowledge Management Advanced Problem Solving and Decision Making Business Analysis within a Project Environment Masterclass - International Oil and Gas Leadership Advanced Strategic Management Strategic Planning Professional Leadership Excellence in Handling Pressure and Stress Advanced Teamwork and Cooperation Skills Strategy Design Bootcamp Effective Office Management Quality Management Essentials Leadership and Management Skills for Supervisors Integrated Management Systems and Risk Management Strategies - Developing and Implementing Best Practices Strategic Planning, Communication, Measurement and Implementation Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Using ISO9001 as a framework Managerial Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Mastering Emotional Intelligence - Skills for Excellent Leadership Success under Pressure - Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and Negotiations Building Task Leadership Skills Leadership and Management Skills for the 21st Century Advanced Communication and Problem Solving Achieving Professional Excellence Leading with Excellence Leading and Managing through Strategic Planning and Innovation The Art of Strategic Management and Leadership Mastering Management and Leadership Skills Certificate in Leadership and Management Excellence Systems Thinking in Analysing Problems Advanced High Performance Leadership Strategic Enterprise Analysis Strategy Excellence Project Leadership - Developing Skills to Assist in Conflict Resolution Mastering Team Leadership Skills The Practical Leader - Developing and Leading High Performing Teams website :www.almjd-hr.com
  18. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Maintenance Strategy Development and Cost Effective Implementation Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Maintenance Engineering courses: Materials of Construction for Process Equipment and Piping Systems Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer Root Cause Failure Analysis Machinery Failure, Vibration and Predictive Maintenance Implementing Effective Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Programmes Modern Maintenance Technologies Practical Pump and Valve Technology Fundamentals of Asset Management Optimizing Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices Managing Efficient Shutdowns and Turnarounds Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Industrial Applications Troubleshooting Process Operation Achieving CMMS Data Integrity Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Data Analysis Techniques Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement Maintenance Strategy Development and Cost Effective Implementation Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Achieving CMMS Data Integrity website :www.almjd-hr.com
  19. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Optimizing Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Maintenance Engineering courses: Materials of Construction for Process Equipment and Piping Systems Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer Root Cause Failure Analysis Machinery Failure, Vibration and Predictive Maintenance Implementing Effective Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Programmes Modern Maintenance Technologies Practical Pump and Valve Technology Fundamentals of Asset Management Optimizing Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices Managing Efficient Shutdowns and Turnarounds Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Industrial Applications Troubleshooting Process Operation Achieving CMMS Data Integrity Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Data Analysis Techniques Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement Maintenance Strategy Development and Cost Effective Implementation Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Achieving CMMS Data Integrity website :www.almjd-hr.com
  20. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Root Cause Failure Analysis Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Maintenance Engineering courses: Materials of Construction for Process Equipment and Piping Systems Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer Root Cause Failure Analysis Machinery Failure, Vibration and Predictive Maintenance Implementing Effective Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Programmes Modern Maintenance Technologies Practical Pump and Valve Technology Fundamentals of Asset Management Optimizing Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices Managing Efficient Shutdowns and Turnarounds Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Industrial Applications Troubleshooting Process Operation Achieving CMMS Data Integrity Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Data Analysis Techniques Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement Maintenance Strategy Development and Cost Effective Implementation Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Achieving CMMS Data Integrity website :www.almjd-hr.com
  21. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Maintenance Engineering courses: Materials of Construction for Process Equipment and Piping Systems Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer Root Cause Failure Analysis Machinery Failure, Vibration and Predictive Maintenance Implementing Effective Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Programmes Modern Maintenance Technologies Practical Pump and Valve Technology Fundamentals of Asset Management Optimizing Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices Managing Efficient Shutdowns and Turnarounds Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Industrial Applications Troubleshooting Process Operation Achieving CMMS Data Integrity Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Data Analysis Techniques Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement Maintenance Strategy Development and Cost Effective Implementation Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Achieving CMMS Data Integrity website :www.almjd-hr.com
  22. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Maintenance Engineering courses: Materials of Construction for Process Equipment and Piping Systems Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer Root Cause Failure Analysis Machinery Failure, Vibration and Predictive Maintenance Implementing Effective Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Programmes Modern Maintenance Technologies Practical Pump and Valve Technology Fundamentals of Asset Management Optimizing Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices Managing Efficient Shutdowns and Turnarounds Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Industrial Applications Troubleshooting Process Operation Achieving CMMS Data Integrity Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Data Analysis Techniques Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement Maintenance Strategy Development and Cost Effective Implementation Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Achieving CMMS Data Integrity website :www.almjd-hr.com
  23. Almjd for Quality and Human Resource Development invite you to participate in our training course: Materials of Construction for Process Equipment and Piping Systems Which will be held evry week in London, Kuala Lumpur, Istanbul, Barlen, Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Dubai To contact us website: www.almjd-hr.com Emile: info@almjd-hr.com Mobile 00962795447255 Which Accredited by the University of Western America and Harvard, Cambridge, and Manchester International Training Collages The following are Maintenance Engineering courses: Materials of Construction for Process Equipment and Piping Systems Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing Flow Measurement and Custody Transfer Root Cause Failure Analysis Machinery Failure, Vibration and Predictive Maintenance Implementing Effective Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Programmes Modern Maintenance Technologies Practical Pump and Valve Technology Fundamentals of Asset Management Optimizing Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Decisions Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices Managing Efficient Shutdowns and Turnarounds Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Industrial Applications Troubleshooting Process Operation Achieving CMMS Data Integrity Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Data Analysis Techniques Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement Maintenance Strategy Development and Cost Effective Implementation Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists Achieving CMMS Data Integrity website :www.almjd-hr.com
  24. يسر مركز المجد للجودة وتطوير الموارد البشرية بدعوتكم للمشاركة بدورة : المهارات الإدارية والسلوكية لمديري المكاتب باعتماد من جامعة غرب امريكيا و كليات هارفرد و كامبرج و مانشستر الدوليات للتدريب تاريخ ومكان انعقاد الدورات التدريبية : تعقد الدورات بشكل اسبوعي وعلى مدار العام في كل من الاردن و اسطنبول و ماليزيا و دبي والقاهرة وشرم الشيخ و بيروت و المغرب و تونس و لندن والمانيا واندونيسيا و مدريد و برشلونة روما و فينا ولشبونة و فارنا و ستوكهولم و سنغافورا و هونج كونج و سيؤول و كندا و باريس و اثينا و اوسلو و بوخارست و يوغوسلافيا و بكين و تايلند و مومباي و البرازيل. ويمكنكم مراسلتنا عبر معلومات الاتصال التالية : الموقع الالكتروني : www.almjd-hr.com البريد الالكتروني : almjdhra@yahoo.com info@almjd-hr.com : جوال واتس اب و فايبر: 00962795447255 وفيما يلي بقية دورات السكرتارية و ادارة المكاتب : · افضل ممارسات السكرتاريا والاداء المتميز · الادارة المتقدمة لمنظومة التميزوالابداع لمدراء المكاتب والسكرتاريا التنفيذية · السكرتاريا الدولية وادارة المكاتب الاحترافية · الاليات المتقدمة في تطوير ادارة الاداء الحكومي وتحسين جودة الخدمات · التقنيات الرقمية في الفهرسة والارشفة المتقدمة · ادارة المكاتب العليا واعمال السكرتاريا العالمية الحديثة · افضل ممارسات التميزفي ادارة المكاتب واعمال السكرتاريا التنفيذية · السكرتاريا الدولية وادارة المكاتب الاحترافية · اعداد التقارير الاستراتيجية للاعمال وصياغة المخاطبات الادارية والرسمية · الكفاءة ومهارات الاداء الفائق التميز لمدراء المكاتب العليا · ادارة المكاتب والسكرتاريا وفق معايير الادارة المتميزة · السكرتاريا الشاملة وافضل ممارسات ادارة اعمالها · التقنيات الحديثة وادارة الوثائق والارشفة الالكترونية · السكرتارية التنفيذية المتقدمة والتميز فى فن الحوار و قوة الاتصال · التميـــــز والابتكار في أعمــــال السكرتاريـــــة ومدراء المكاتب · تبسيط الإجراءات وتنظيم العمل المكتبي · المهارات الإبداعية والإليكترونية للسكرتارية التنفيذية · المهارات الاستراتيجية والتنظيم والتخطيط في الإدارة المكتبية الحديثة · إدارة المكاتب للإدارة العليا والشخصيات الهامة (VIP) · السكرتارية المتميزة والتحضير الجيد للاجتماعات ولجان العمل الفعالة · مهارات الإتيكيت وفن التعامل مع الجمهور لمدراء المكاتب · مهارات الانتقال من الحفظ الورقي إلى الحفظ الإلكتروني · الكتابة الإدارية المتميزة · تنظيم وإدارة الاجتماعات واللجان · تنمية مهارات إعداد التقارير والمحاضر · التطوير الذاتي للسكرتير العصري · المهارات المتكاملة للسكرتارية الخاصة · المهارات الإدارية والسلوكية لمديري المكاتب · يمكنكم الاطلاع على بقية الدورات التدريبية بمختلف المجالات عند زيارة الموقع الالكتروني : www.almjd-hr.com
  25. يسر مركز المجد للجودة وتطوير الموارد البشرية بدعوتكم للمشاركة بدورة : الكفاءة ومهارات الاداء الفائق التميز لمدراء المكاتب العليا باعتماد من جامعة غرب امريكيا و كليات هارفرد و كامبرج و مانشستر الدوليات للتدريب تاريخ ومكان انعقاد الدورات التدريبية : تعقد الدورات بشكل اسبوعي وعلى مدار العام في كل من الاردن و اسطنبول و ماليزيا و دبي والقاهرة وشرم الشيخ و بيروت و المغرب و تونس و لندن والمانيا واندونيسيا و مدريد و برشلونة روما و فينا ولشبونة و فارنا و ستوكهولم و سنغافورا و هونج كونج و سيؤول و كندا و باريس و اثينا و اوسلو و بوخارست و يوغوسلافيا و بكين و تايلند و مومباي و البرازيل. ويمكنكم مراسلتنا عبر معلومات الاتصال التالية : الموقع الالكتروني : www.almjd-hr.com البريد الالكتروني : almjdhra@yahoo.com info@almjd-hr.com : جوال واتس اب و فايبر: 00962795447255 وفيما يلي بقية دورات السكرتارية و ادارة المكاتب : · افضل ممارسات السكرتاريا والاداء المتميز · الادارة المتقدمة لمنظومة التميزوالابداع لمدراء المكاتب والسكرتاريا التنفيذية · السكرتاريا الدولية وادارة المكاتب الاحترافية · الاليات المتقدمة في تطوير ادارة الاداء الحكومي وتحسين جودة الخدمات · التقنيات الرقمية في الفهرسة والارشفة المتقدمة · ادارة المكاتب العليا واعمال السكرتاريا العالمية الحديثة · افضل ممارسات التميزفي ادارة المكاتب واعمال السكرتاريا التنفيذية · السكرتاريا الدولية وادارة المكاتب الاحترافية · اعداد التقارير الاستراتيجية للاعمال وصياغة المخاطبات الادارية والرسمية · الكفاءة ومهارات الاداء الفائق التميز لمدراء المكاتب العليا · ادارة المكاتب والسكرتاريا وفق معايير الادارة المتميزة · السكرتاريا الشاملة وافضل ممارسات ادارة اعمالها · التقنيات الحديثة وادارة الوثائق والارشفة الالكترونية · السكرتارية التنفيذية المتقدمة والتميز فى فن الحوار و قوة الاتصال · التميـــــز والابتكار في أعمــــال السكرتاريـــــة ومدراء المكاتب · تبسيط الإجراءات وتنظيم العمل المكتبي · المهارات الإبداعية والإليكترونية للسكرتارية التنفيذية · المهارات الاستراتيجية والتنظيم والتخطيط في الإدارة المكتبية الحديثة · إدارة المكاتب للإدارة العليا والشخصيات الهامة (VIP) · السكرتارية المتميزة والتحضير الجيد للاجتماعات ولجان العمل الفعالة · مهارات الإتيكيت وفن التعامل مع الجمهور لمدراء المكاتب · مهارات الانتقال من الحفظ الورقي إلى الحفظ الإلكتروني · الكتابة الإدارية المتميزة · تنظيم وإدارة الاجتماعات واللجان · تنمية مهارات إعداد التقارير والمحاضر · التطوير الذاتي للسكرتير العصري · المهارات المتكاملة للسكرتارية الخاصة · المهارات الإدارية والسلوكية لمديري المكاتب · يمكنكم الاطلاع على بقية الدورات التدريبية بمختلف المجالات عند زيارة الموقع الالكتروني : www.almjd-hr.com
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