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White wings

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كل منشورات العضو White wings

  1. Good morning I'm a training (student) in institute and I studying in account section. In of my module I have assignment. If you a student like me how do you answered these questions. I would like from you to answered theses questions….Please if you can. What job would you like to have five years from now?If that job is not available, what are two other comparable jobs would you like to have in five years?Bearing in mind the job you would most prefer to have in five years, what are the three intermediate-level jobs should pursuer?Why did you choose the field of study you did?Why do you think work is important for you?What are your skills, experiences?What work related activities do you enjoy most?What work related activities do you enjoy least?List five job related skills and abilities. Is there any gap between your qualifications and the qualifications required for these jobs?How to improve your strength and take corrective actions for your weaknesses.
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