م/زيد بتاريخ: 20 نوفمبر 2008 تقديم بلاغ بتاريخ: 20 نوفمبر 2008 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته مساء الخير للجميع ،، أبي مساعدتكم في حل سؤال بسيط موضوعه / Payroll Management System والمطلوب فيه Task 1: Draw the context diagram and indicate the relationship between different subsystems Give comments and functions of each system Task 2: Identify set of processes that the system performs. Draw data process diagrams and state charts for at least two processes. Task 3: Draw the main class diagram and specify objects attributes and methods. Note: identify relationships between different classes. Task 4: Draw use case diagrams and identify main use cases. Task 5: Identify main functional and non functional requirements for the system. Task 6: Identify the E-R diagram and set out entities, relationships and attributes.
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