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???? identify audit services related to the annual report ???? identify the basic components of the annual report, including management’s statement of responsibility for the financial statements and the independent auditor’s report ???? demonstrate an awareness of the Audit Committee’s level of responsibility for the integrity of the financial information presented in the annual reports ???? identify the Audit Committee’s functions to include (a) nominating the public accounting firm that will conduct the annual external audit, (B) participating in the process of setting the scope of internal and external audits, and © inviting direct audit communications on major problems encountered during the course of internal and external audits ???? identify and describe other sections in the annual report, including the letter to shareholders, management discussion and analysis, and the statement on social responsibility Page 31


" وَقُلْ رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا "

Abdelhamid M


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