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???? recognize that the use of telecommunications systems allows companies to move data from distant points, generally at lower costs ???? demonstrate an understanding of the different types of communications networks being used in business environments ???? describe wide area networks and local area networks ???? demonstrate an understanding of client/server networks Page 20 ???? recognize that software applications, such as spreadsheets, generally reside on the client computer, while the databases and related software are stored on the server computers ???? distinguish between mainframe systems and client/server applications and identify the advantages and disadvantages of each ???? demonstrate an understanding of a database management system and describe its characteristics ???? distinguish between a flat database and a relational database ???? demonstrate an understanding of a relational database system ???? demonstrate an understanding of Decision Support Systems, how they operate, and the types of decisions that these systems support ???? recognize that Artificial Intelligence encompasses other applications including expert systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks, etc. and can capture management reasoning in software ???? define an expert system and its capabilities ???? demonstrate how to use a spreadsheet for business analysis, planning, and modeling ???? construct a spreadsheet used for accounting reporting or analysis purposes ???? analyze a spreadsheet report and determine which formulas are causing errors, and how to correct the formulas ???? describe the internet and identify the components of the internet’s backbone ???? demonstrate an understanding of the uses of “browser” software ???? define the term intranet ???? identify how intranets enable companies to share expertise among its organizational units ???? define virtual private network


" وَقُلْ رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا "

Abdelhamid M


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انشئ حساب جديد

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