drzyad بتاريخ: 20 فبراير 2006 تقديم بلاغ بتاريخ: 20 فبراير 2006 The BS7799 Security Standard The British Standard 7799, BS7799, is the most widely recognised security standard in the world. The last major publication was in May 1999, an edition which included many enhancements and improvements on previous versions. In December 2000 it was republished again, and evolved into ISO17799 BS7799 (ISO17799) is comprehensive in its coverage of security issues. It contains a significant number of control requirements, some extremely complex. Compliance with BS7799 is consequently a far from trivial task, even for the most security conscious of organizations. Full certification can be even more daunting. It is therefore recommended that BS7799 is approached in a 'step by step' manner. The best starting point is usually an assessment of the current position/situation, followed by identification of what changes are needed for BS7799 compliance. From here, planning and implementing must be rigidly undertaken. This web site is intended to assist with this process. It will provide further information on the BS7799 standard, as well as suggesting a solution to help guide you to full compliance. http://www.riskserver.co.uk/bs7799/ سبحان الله والحمد لله ،اللهم إجعل هذا العمل علم ينتفع به
diyaa بتاريخ: 24 ديسمبر 2006 تقديم بلاغ بتاريخ: 24 ديسمبر 2006 السلام عليكم اريد مساعدة الاخوان اريد معرفة تفصيلية حول مبدا الاستحقاق المعدل المستخدم في الجمعياتmodefid accural baseis
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