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IFAC Names Asmâa Resmouki as President of IFAC

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The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the voice of the global accountancy profession, announces the election of Asmâa Resmouki as its President. Mrs. Resmouki is the first IFAC President from the Africa-Middle East region and the third female President. She will serve a two-year term through November 2024, serving previously as IFAC Deputy President since November 2020.

“I am honored to have been elected IFAC’s next president, and proud to be the organization’s first president from the Africa – Middle East Region.  This is a clear example of IFAC leading by example in the area of diversity,” said Mrs. Resmouki.  “I look forward to continuing to work with IFAC’s Board and management to deliver on our public interest mandate, and to progress our positive impacts on a strong and sustainable accountancy profession, strong and sustainable private and public sector organizations, and strong and sustainable financial markets and economies.”

Mrs. Resmouki joined the IFAC Board in November 2017, originally nominated by the Ordre Des Experts Comptables—Morocco. She served as the Governance Committee Chair in 2020, before taking the role of the Planning and Finance Committee (PFC) Chair in 2021 and 2022. In addition to her work with IFAC, she was the first female President of the Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA), after serving on the PAFA Board for six years.

Mrs. Resmouki has over 30 years of experience in the profession, including as a Big-4 Audit partner at EY and Deloitte. In 2020, she started her consultancy practice where she has been assisting different organizations in projects relating to the profession and to advisory services.  

Jean Bouquot Named Deputy President

IFAC also announced the election of Jean Bouquot as Deputy President.  Mr. Bouquot joined the IFAC Board in November 2020, nominated by Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (CNCC) and Conseil National de l'Ordre des Experts-Comptables . Mr. Bouquot served as president of the CNCC from 2017 to 2020 and was also a President and Deputy President of the Compagnie des Commissaires aux Comptes (CRCC) de Versailles from 2015 to 2017. He currently serves as a Board member of the Fédération Internationale des Experts Comptables et Commissaires aux Comptes Francophones (FIDEF).

Mr. Bouquot has over 42 years of experience as an auditor in various positions with a wide exposure to international activities. He was a Partner with EY from 2002 until 2020 and was in charge of the company’s assurance service line for France/Luxembourg/Maghreb from 2008 to 2015.

New Board Members Elected

IFAC also announced new board members, maintaining a female-majority board for the fourth consecutive year. IFAC places a priority on diversity in professional, gender, and geographic representation on its board and advisory groups.

The new and reappointed IFAC Board members and their nominating member organizations are:

New appointments:

  • Ms. Kathryn Byrne (AICPA, USA)
  • Mr. Francisco A. M. Sant’Anna (CFC / IBRACON, Brazil)
  • Prof. Sidharta Utama (IAI, Indonesia)


  • Mrs. Fiona Wilkinson (CCAB (ICAEW), UK)
  • Mr. Yeong Kyun Ahn (KICPA, Korea, Republic of)
  • Ms. Joan Curry (CAI, Ireland)
  • Ms. Caroline Gardner (CIPFA, UK)
  • Dr. Winnie Nyamute (ICPAK, Kenya)
  • Mr. Ismaila Zakari (ICAN, Nigeria)

New IFAC Member Organizations Admitted

In addition to the election of new Board members, the IFAC Council also approved a new member and new associate member organizations.

New IFAC Member:

  • Ordre National des Experts-Comptables et des Comptables Agréés du Burkina Faso

New Associates:

  • Association of Professional Financial Managers (Azerbaijan)
  • Ordre National des Experts Comptables et des Comptables Agréés du Mali
  • Qatari Association of Certified Public Accountants
  • Auditors' Chamber of Ukraine

The new appointments and membership decisions were approved at IFAC’s 2022 Council meeting, held on November 15.

About IFAC

IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC is comprised of more than 180 members and associates in 135 jurisdictions, representing more than 3 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.

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