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IESBA Comments on the ISSB’s Sustainability- and Climate-Related Disclosures Exposure Drafts

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The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) has submitted a response to the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) on the ISSB’s Exposure Drafts – General Sustainability-Related Disclosures and Climate-Related Disclosures.

The IESBA believes that to meet the sustainability information needs of investors, customers, employees or potential employees, government agencies and other stakeholders, the infrastructure that supports sustainability reporting and assurance must be underpinned by the highest standards of ethical behavior. Fit-for-purpose, globally applicable standards, such as those set out in the IESBA Code and future, sustainability-related standards that the IESBA has already committed to developing, alongside a robust system of quality management, oversight and enforcement, are essential for consistent, relevant and trustworthy sustainability reporting.

Click here to view the IESBA’s official response.

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