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Congratulations to the APESB on 15 Years of Service to Australia's Accounting Professionals

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The IESBA congratulates The Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board (APESB), the independent body that sets the code of ethics and professional standards for Australia's accounting professionals, on the organization’s 15th anniversary.

The APESB will celebrate the anniversary this Friday, May 21 with a panel discussion featuring IESBA Chairman Dr. Stavros Thomadakis. The discussion (moderated by APESB Chairman Nancy Milne OAM) is titled 'Business Ethics, the pace of digitalization and the accountants' role in a post-Covid environment' and includes other panelists Kevin Dancey (United States): IFAC Chief Executive Officer, Dr Attracta Lagan (Australia): Business Ethicist and Ming Long AM (Australia): Diversity Council Australia Deputy Chair.

APESB has been a strong supporter of the IESBA and adopter of the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) (the Code). The two boards share active participation in the IESBA-National Standard Setters Liaison Group, and the IESBA values the collaboration.

All stakeholders are invited to join the APESB’s 15th anniversary event. To register, click here.


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