News بتاريخ: 12 نوفمبر 2020 تقديم بلاغ بتاريخ: 12 نوفمبر 2020 Urgent challenges demand urgent responses. The challenges society, and thus our profession, faces are familiar: dwindling public trust, strong economic headwinds, accelerating disruption from technology and digitalization, and the existential threats of the novel coronavirus and climate change, to name a few. But the urgency and uncertainty around them are greater than ever. IFAC’s Strategic Plan for 2021 and beyond rises to the occasion. Times will change, priorities will shift, and new questions will arise. Our goal is not only to react, but to anticipate. That is a difficult task. The future depends on countless interconnected choices of stakeholders across government, business, and society. Unexpected events continue to remind us that enormous externalities can upend even the most carefully considered plans. We are not simply updating our Strategic Plan: we have rethought the process of creating it. This document will not explicitly provide for everything IFAC faces—no strategic plan can—so we are adopting flexible and evergreen guidance that we will need to evolve as circumstances change. This is a timeless strategic framework designed to drive timely strategic action. IFAC’s Vision and Purpose have not changed, nor have the core of our Strategic Objectives—as they relate to speaking out on behalf of the global profession, future-readiness, and supporting international standard setting. But we recognize that our specific actions will require more agility and creativity than a static document can give.أضغط على الرابط لزيارة موقع الخبر
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