News بتاريخ: 5 أكتوبر 2020 تقديم بلاغ بتاريخ: 5 أكتوبر 2020 Highlights from the IPSASB September 2020 virtual meeting: 00:00 Welcome and introduction 00:36 Chair’s meeting overview 02:10 Approval of COVID-19: Deferral of Effective dates 03:12 Approval of Non-Authoritative Amendments to IPSAS 41, Financial Instruments 04:14 Approval of Exposure Draft 74, IPSAS 5, Borrowing Costs, Non-Authoritative Guidance 06:02 Approval of Exposure Draft 79, Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations 07:20 Natural Resources 10:17 Conceptual Framework - Limited Scope update 11:12 Measurement 17:02 Closing Remarksأضغط على الرابط لزيارة موقع الخبر
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