المشرفين العموميين Hameed بتاريخ: 18 أبريل 2006 المشرفين العموميين تقديم بلاغ بتاريخ: 18 أبريل 2006 CMA1.B2.a. demonstrate an understanding of a nation’s balance of payments CMA1.B2.b. define and identify the components of the current account, the capital account, and the official reserves account CMA1.B2.c. define trade deficits, identify their causes, and explain their implications CMA1.B2.d. calculate the balance of payment deficit or surplus CMA1.B2.e. compare and contrast a flexible or floating exchange-rate system and a fixed exchange-rate system CMA1.B2.f. graphically determine the exchange rate under a flexible exchange-rate system CMA1.B2.g. calculate whether a currency has depreciated or appreciated against another currency over a period of time CMA1.B2.h. infer the effect on the price of goods with a change in the exchange rate CMA1.B2.i. calculate the effective interest rate on a foreign currency loan CMA1.B2.j. identify the determinants of exchange rates under a flexible exchange-rate system CMA1.B2.k. list the advantages and disadvantages of a flexible exchange-rate system CMA1.B2.l. explain the methods used to maintain a fixed exchange rate system, including the use of reserves, trade policies, exchange controls, exchange rationing, and domestic macroeconomic adjustments CMA1.B2.m. describe managed floating exchange rates CMA1.B2.n. analyze the impact of changes in foreign exchange rates on a firm CMA1.B2.o. identify mechanisms available to firms to mitigate the impact of changes in exchange rate " وَقُلْ رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا " Abdelhamid M Auditor
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