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CMA1.A1.a. demonstrate an understanding of the laws of supply and demand

CMA1.A1.b. interpret a graph of supply and demand

CMA1.A1.c. demonstrate an understanding of how prices are determined by the interaction of supply and demand

CMA1.A1.d. differentiate between changes in demand and changes in the quantity demanded

CMA1.A1.e. differentiate between changes in supply and changes in the quantity supplied

CMA1.A1.f. identify the market equilibrium price

CMA1.A1.g. demonstrate an understanding of how surpluses and shortages affect the market price

CMA1.A1.h. calculate the price elasticity of demand

CMA1.A1.i. define elastic and inelastic demand and identify each on a graph

CMA1.A1.j. estimate total revenue given changes in prices and demand as well as elasticity coefficients

CMA1.A1.k. calculate the price elasticity of supply

CMA1.A1.l. calculate the cross elasticity of demand and the income elasticity of demand

CMA1.A1.m. define externalities and identify their impacts

CMA1.A1.n. apply the law of supply and demand and the concepts of elasticity of supply and demand to government intervention in the market; such as price supports, minimum wages, rent control, mandated regulation, etc.

CMA1.A1.o. identify the major provisions of U.S. Federal antitrust legislation, including the Sherman Act, the Clayton Act, the Robinson-Patman Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and other relevant legislation

CMA1.A1.p. list the objectives of antitrust legislation

CMA1.A1.q. identify antitrust enforcement sanctions available to the Federal government

CMA1.A1.r. demonstrate an understanding of government regulation of natural monopolies

CMA1.A1.s. identify the impact of antitrust regulation on a firm

CMA1.A1.t. identify the impact of antitrust regulation on an industry

CMA1.A1.u. identify the impact of government regulation on a firm’s sales, prices, and costs,

CMA1.A1.v. identify the impact of government regulation on an industry

CMA1.A1.w. determine the impact of economic factors on the demand for a firm’s product

CMA1.A1.x. determine the impact of economic factors on the market price and supply of a firm’s factors of production (labor, materials, services, etc)


" وَقُلْ رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا "

Abdelhamid M


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