aloush بتاريخ: 30 يوليو 2009 تقديم بلاغ بتاريخ: 30 يوليو 2009 I have big problem I'm work in trading company we get all our goods from outside the country But we don't have ability to import or export , so we make deal with another company to import for us all I want to know the invoice cycle and taxes I will be happy if any one give me his number to call him to explan the problem thx for your cooperation aloush من الممكن ان تلدغ حشره جواد اصيل لكن الحشره ستبقي حشره.... والجاد سيبقي اصيلا
مصطفي فاروق بتاريخ: 11 فبراير 2010 تقديم بلاغ بتاريخ: 11 فبراير 2010 I have big problem I'm work in trading company we get all our goods from outside the country But we don't have ability to import or export , so we make deal with another company to import for us all I want to know the invoice cycle and taxes I will be happy if any one give me his number to call him to explan the problem thx for your cooperation رقم تليفوني سيدي الفاضل 0129019938 محاسب قانوني وشكرا
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