البحث في الموقع
عرض النتائج للدليل 'scheduling'.
ارجو من اي احد عندو معلومات او درس او عندو كتب متعلقة ب machine scheduling problems يتراسل معي لان عندي ماجستير في هاد الموضوع
- machine
- scheduling
- (و 4 أخرى)
CMA1.D3.a. define PERT and explain how it is used for scheduling projects CMA1.D3.b. develop a project network analysis CMA1.D3.c. identify the critical path after a network is developed CMA1.D3.d. calculate the critical path through a network and all the related start, finish, and slack times CMA1.D3.e. demonstrate an understanding of what makes critical activities different from other activities CMA1.D3.f. demonstrate an understanding of the cost impact of shortening a critical path CMA1.D3.g. identify the benefits and shortcomings of network analysis