البحث في الموقع
عرض النتائج للدليل 'regression'.
السلام عليكم يالربع عندي مسائل محتاج مساعدكم في حلها حتى ولو مسالة وحدة وبكون لكم شاكر http://www.gulfup.com/do.php?id=1750946 http://www.gulfup.com/do.php?id=1750947 http://www.gulfup.com/do.php?id=1750948
CMA1.D1.a. demonstrate an understanding of a simple regression equation and the measures associated with it CMA1.D1.b. define a multiple regression equation CMA1.D1.c. identify the assumptions of simple and multiple regression analyses CMA1.D1.d. calculate the result of a simple regression equation as applied to a specific situation CMA1.D1.e. demonstrate an understanding of learning curve analyses CMA1.D1.f. calculate the results under a cumulative average-time learning model and under an incremental unit-time learning model CMA1.D1.g. demonstrate an understanding of exponential smoothing and calculate a forecast using this method CMA1.D1.h. demonstrate an understanding of time series analyses, including objectives and patterns, i.e., trend, cyclical, seasonal, and irregular CMA1.D1.i. list the benefits and shortcomings of regression analysis, learning curve analysis, and time series analysis