البحث في الموقع
عرض النتائج للدليل 'real'.
د.خالد الرجاء من سيادتكم الافادة فى موضوع ادارة الارباح الحقيقية وعلاقتها بتنبؤات الادارة والمحللين الماليين من الناحية الاخلاقية وماهو المدى المقبول اخلاقيا منها وماهى اهم الدراسات التى من الممكن ان تكون قد تناولت هذا الموضوع بشكل واضح (دراسات عربية واجنبية)
- 5 رد
- earnings
- management
(و 3 أخرى)
الكلمات الدليلية:
CMA1.A6.a. identify the controversies surrounding the issues of inflation, unemployment, and economic growth CMA1.A6.b. define the rate of inflation CMA1.A6.c. distinguish nominal from real income CMA1.A6.d. list the macroeconomic effects of inflation CMA1.A6.e. define demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation CMA1.A6.f. define the unemployment rate CMA1.A6.g. identify and define the different types of unemployment, including frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, and cyclical unemployment CMA1.A6.h. explain full employment, including the concepts of the natural rate of unemployment and the economy’s potential output CMA1.A6.i. describe the macroeconomic effects of unemployment CMA1.A6.j. interpret the graphical representation of the trade-off between inflation and unemployment CMA1.A6.k. demonstrate an understanding of aggregate demand and aggregate supply both in the short run and long run, including the graphical representation of both CMA1.A6.l. define economic growth and explain why it is an economic goal CMA1.A6.m. interpret the production possibilities curve CMA1.A6.n. demonstrate an understanding of demand-side and supply-side policies as used to increase economic growth and identify the limitations of each CMA1.A6.o. determine the impact of demand-side and supply-side policies on a firm CMA1.A6.p. determine the impact of inflation on the demand for and price of a firm’s output CMA1.A6.q. determine the impact of inflation on the supply and cost of a firm’s factors of production
CMA1.A7.a. define Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and demonstrate an understanding of its components CMA1.A7.b. calculate GDP using the expenditures approach and the income approach CMA1.A7.c. define Net Domestic Product (NDP), National Income (NI), Personal Income (PI), and Disposable Income (DI) CMA1.A7.d. distinguish among GDP, NDP, NI, PI, and DI and calculate one from another given relevant data CMA1.A7.e. demonstrate an understanding of the importance of GDP as a measure of a country’s economic prosperity CMA1.A7.f. identify the challenges inherent in the calculation of GDP, including data collection and accuracy limitations CMA1.A7.g. demonstrate an understanding of the price level and how it affects the measures of domestic output and national income CMA1.A7.h. define Consumer Price Index (CPI) CMA1.A7.i. differentiate between Nominal GDP and Real GDP CMA1.A7.j. demonstrate an understanding of the index of leading economic indicators as a forecast of GDP
- 1 رد
- collection
- economic
- (و 7 أخرى)