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عرض النتائج للدليل 'performance'.
Dears, Have a Nice day. It is our pleasure to Announce our great offers from APPS-PATROLS Co. Catch the opportunity & Join one of the following Oracle Performance Tuning Track will run 12/3/2011 Insha Allah . For More Details visit link below http://www.appspatrols.com/now/training/courses/oracle-database-11g-performance-tuning-0 Total Hours: 25 hrs Price: Surprise For More scholarships and Job Opportunities Join us in our group on facebook . http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=125821577435461#!/group.php?gid=125821577435461 Thanks, Best Regards For More Information Contact Us Directly Apps-Patrols Team Land Line :+02 02 22 7373 66 Cell Phone : +2 014 9000 586 Info@appspatrols.com http://www.appspatrols.com
هل هنالك فرق بين الperformance managment و performance measurment
- الperformance
- managment
(و 3 أخرى)
الكلمات الدليلية:
CMA1.E5.a. identify and define the components of return on invested capital (ROI) CMA1.E5.b. identify uses for ROI CMA1.E5.c. demonstrate an understanding of the factors that contribute to inconsistent definitions of “invested capital” and “return” when using ROI to measure performance CMA1.E5.d. identify and calculate adjustments that should be made to capital and income CMA1.E5.e. calculate and interpret the return on total assets ratio and return on common equity ratio CMA1.E5.f. analyze return on assets and return on equity using the DuPont model CMA1.E5.g. calculate and interpret profit margin on sales and total asset turnover and demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between these two ratios CMA1.E5.h. infer the effect on return on total assets of a change in one or more elements of the financial statements CMA1.E5.i. disaggregate return on common equity into profit margin on sales, total asset turnover, and equity multiplier (leverage) and be able to calculate these ratios given financial statement data CMA1.E5.j. calculate and interpret sustainable equity growth, dividend yield and the dividend payout ratio CMA1.E5.k. calculate and interpret return on common equity