السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مساء الخير للجميع ،، أبي مساعدتكم في حل سؤال بسيط موضوعه /
Payroll Management System
والمطلوب فيه
Task 1:
Draw the context diagram and indicate the relationship between different subsystems
Give comments and functions of each system
Task 2:
Identify set of processes that the system performs. Draw data process diagrams and state charts for at least two processes.
Task 3:
Draw the main class diagram and specify objects attributes and methods.
Note: identify relationships between different classes.
Task 4:
Draw use case diagrams and identify main use cases.
Task 5:
Identify main functional and non functional requirements for the system.
Task 6:
Identify the E-R diagram and set out entities, relationships and attributes.