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عرض النتائج للدليل 'part'.
???? define and identify major characteristics of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) ???? explain how EDI differs from internet-based electronic commerce applications ???? define Business-To-Business (B2B) commerce and its characteristics ???? summarize the importance of the internet for (B2B) commerce ???? demonstrate an understanding of how B2B electronic commerce has affected the industrial supply chain ???? demonstrate an understanding of other e-commerce technologies, including Online Transaction Processing and Electronic Funds Transfer
CMA1.A2.a. define the term utility CMA1.A2.b. differentiate between total utility and marginal utility and show the difference between the two on a graph CMA1.A2.c. demonstrate an understanding of the law of diminishing marginal utility CMA1.A2.d. analyze the relationship of marginal utility theory to the demand curve and to the price elasticity of demand CMA1.A2.e. identify the point of utility maximization CMA1.A2.f. demonstrate an understanding of indifference curves, including the marginal rate of substitution and the consumer’s equilibrium position
- 2 رد
- curve
- difference
(و 8 أخرى)
الكلمات الدليلية:
CMA1.D5.a. construct a decision tree analysis, analyze decisions, and infer results based on the decision tree CMA1.D5.b. define and identify the assumptions of the decision tree analysis technique CMA1.D5.c. explain the relationship between decision trees and investment decisions CMA1.D5.d. describe the process used to estimate the cash flow and probability values used in decision tree analysis CMA1.D5.e. identify the benefits and shortcomings of a decision tree analysis
يا جماعة انا عندي الاصدار رقم 14 لكتاب part 1 من اراد التواصل هذا ايميلي asd_elsheref@yahoo.com
CMA1.D4.a. demonstrate an understanding as to why probabilities for all values of a random variable must equal one CMA1.D4.b. develop and interpret a probability distribution table CMA1.D4.c. calculate the expected value of random variables CMA1.D4.d. identify the benefits and shortcomings of probability concepts and expected value techniques
CMA1.A6.a. identify the controversies surrounding the issues of inflation, unemployment, and economic growth CMA1.A6.b. define the rate of inflation CMA1.A6.c. distinguish nominal from real income CMA1.A6.d. list the macroeconomic effects of inflation CMA1.A6.e. define demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation CMA1.A6.f. define the unemployment rate CMA1.A6.g. identify and define the different types of unemployment, including frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, and cyclical unemployment CMA1.A6.h. explain full employment, including the concepts of the natural rate of unemployment and the economy’s potential output CMA1.A6.i. describe the macroeconomic effects of unemployment CMA1.A6.j. interpret the graphical representation of the trade-off between inflation and unemployment CMA1.A6.k. demonstrate an understanding of aggregate demand and aggregate supply both in the short run and long run, including the graphical representation of both CMA1.A6.l. define economic growth and explain why it is an economic goal CMA1.A6.m. interpret the production possibilities curve CMA1.A6.n. demonstrate an understanding of demand-side and supply-side policies as used to increase economic growth and identify the limitations of each CMA1.A6.o. determine the impact of demand-side and supply-side policies on a firm CMA1.A6.p. determine the impact of inflation on the demand for and price of a firm’s output CMA1.A6.q. determine the impact of inflation on the supply and cost of a firm’s factors of production
CMA1.A4.a. identify the defining characteristics of pure competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly CMA1.A4.b. differentiate the demand curve of an individual firm in a purely competitive market from the demand curve of the market itself CMA1.A4.c. identify, calculate, and graphically represent average, total, and marginal revenue for a firm in a purely competitive market CMA1.A4.d. identify and define the point of profit maximization for the purely competitive firm in the short-run CMA1.A4.e. identify, calculate, and graphically represent average, total, and marginal cost for a firm in a purely competitive market CMA1.A4.f. demonstrate an understanding of the short-run equilibrium price for the firm and for the industry in a purely competitive market CMA1.A4.g. demonstrate an understanding of profit maximization in the long run for the purely competitive firm CMA1.A4.h. identify, calculate, and graphically represent the demand, marginal revenue, and total revenue of a pure monopolist CMA1.A4.i. determine the point of profit maximization for a monopolist CMA1.A4.j. determine the economic consequences of monopoly CMA1.A4.k. identify and graphically represent the demand curve for a monopolistically competitive firm CMA1.A4.l. identify and define the point of profit maximization for a monopolistically competitive firm in the short run CMA1.A4.m. explain the long-run profit for a monopolistically competitive firm CMA1.A4.n. identify forms of non-price competition CMA1.A4.o. demonstrate an understanding of the kinked demand curve of an oligopoly CMA1.A4.p. predict the likely effects of boycotts and cartels on prices and output CMA1.A4.q. demonstrate an understanding of the factors impacting a firm in an oligopoly CMA1.A4.r. determine the impact of market structures on a firm
CMA1.E5.a. identify and define the components of return on invested capital (ROI) CMA1.E5.b. identify uses for ROI CMA1.E5.c. demonstrate an understanding of the factors that contribute to inconsistent definitions of “invested capital” and “return” when using ROI to measure performance CMA1.E5.d. identify and calculate adjustments that should be made to capital and income CMA1.E5.e. calculate and interpret the return on total assets ratio and return on common equity ratio CMA1.E5.f. analyze return on assets and return on equity using the DuPont model CMA1.E5.g. calculate and interpret profit margin on sales and total asset turnover and demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between these two ratios CMA1.E5.h. infer the effect on return on total assets of a change in one or more elements of the financial statements CMA1.E5.i. disaggregate return on common equity into profit margin on sales, total asset turnover, and equity multiplier (leverage) and be able to calculate these ratios given financial statement data CMA1.E5.j. calculate and interpret sustainable equity growth, dividend yield and the dividend payout ratio CMA1.E5.k. calculate and interpret return on common equity
ان شاء الله وبفضله بعد نجاح الندوه المجاينه التى اقيمت بفندق المحروسه الجمعه الماضيه قررت ادارة المركز بداية كورس cma-part 2 يوم الجمعه القادم الموافق 9-1-2009 ان شاء الله وبمبلغ 1000 جنيه فقط ويدفع على 3 مرات وذلك مساعدة مننا لجميع الفئات من الشعب وتيسيرا عليهم وايضا سيبدا المركز فى cma-part 1 يوم السبت الموافق 10-1-2009 وبنفس المبلغ والدفع يكون على 3 مرات ان شاء الله راجيين من الله التوفيق لجميع المتقدمين . للحجز والتسجيل للكورسات الاتصال من الساعه 4 الى الساعه 11 م على رقم 9546486-03 وطوال اليوم على تليفون : 0121569453 مع تحيات ادارة جلوبال اليكس سنتر نتائجنا دائما تتحدث عنا ... http://by109w.bay109.mail.live.com/att/GetAttachment.aspx?tnail=0&messageId=e792a3b4-5e1d-4a70-a111-e1547d5c14f3&Aux=40|0|8CB33591A220630|
???? identify the users of these financial statements and their needs ???? demonstrate an understanding of the purposes and uses of each statement ???? identify the major components and classifications of each statement ???? identify the limitations of each statement ???? identify statement information that requires supplemental disclosure in the body of the statement or in the footnotes ???? recognize the correct format of financial information in each statement ???? calculate and classify components of each financial statement
- 2 رد
- financial
- information
(و 4 أخرى)
الكلمات الدليلية:
CMA1.A7.a. define Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and demonstrate an understanding of its components CMA1.A7.b. calculate GDP using the expenditures approach and the income approach CMA1.A7.c. define Net Domestic Product (NDP), National Income (NI), Personal Income (PI), and Disposable Income (DI) CMA1.A7.d. distinguish among GDP, NDP, NI, PI, and DI and calculate one from another given relevant data CMA1.A7.e. demonstrate an understanding of the importance of GDP as a measure of a country’s economic prosperity CMA1.A7.f. identify the challenges inherent in the calculation of GDP, including data collection and accuracy limitations CMA1.A7.g. demonstrate an understanding of the price level and how it affects the measures of domestic output and national income CMA1.A7.h. define Consumer Price Index (CPI) CMA1.A7.i. differentiate between Nominal GDP and Real GDP CMA1.A7.j. demonstrate an understanding of the index of leading economic indicators as a forecast of GDP
- 1 رد
- collection
- economic
- (و 7 أخرى)
???? identify the core principles (critical factors) of total quality management ???? identify the opportunity costs associated with poor quality management ???? demonstrate an understanding of the role that communication and training play in successful total quality management programs ???? describe the relationship between quality management and productivity and explain why misconceptions about this relationship can lead to poor decisions ???? demonstrate an understanding of methods to analyze quality problems such as control charts, Pareto diagrams, and cause-and-effect (fishbone) diagrams ???? identify the relationship between compensation systems and total quality management systems ???? identify the purpose of quality audits and gap analyses ???? define quality as it relates to customer expectations ???? define conformance as it relates to quality and identify the characteristics of goalpost quality conformance and absolute quality conformance ???? describe and identify the components of the costs of quality commonly referred to as prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, and external failure costs
CMA1.D6.a. identify the uses of sensitivity analysis CMA1.D6.b. identify situations when sensitivity analysis is useful CMA1.D6.c. perform a sensitivity analysis with different values for the probabilities of the states of nature and/or the payoffs CMA1.D6.d. identify the benefits and shortcomings of sensitivity analysis CMA1.D6.e. demonstrate an understanding of the uses of simulation models, including the Monte Carlo technique CMA1.D6.f. define controllable inputs and probabilistic inputs CMA1.D6.g. demonstrate an understanding of the simulation approach called what-if analysis CMA1.D6.h. demonstrate an understanding of how simulations can be used to model and learn about the behavior of complex systems CMA1.D6.i. identify the benefits and shortcomings of simulation models CMA1.D6.j. define and identify applications of queuing theory and Markov analysis
- analysis
- applications
(و 5 أخرى)
الكلمات الدليلية:
CMA1.D3.a. define PERT and explain how it is used for scheduling projects CMA1.D3.b. develop a project network analysis CMA1.D3.c. identify the critical path after a network is developed CMA1.D3.d. calculate the critical path through a network and all the related start, finish, and slack times CMA1.D3.e. demonstrate an understanding of what makes critical activities different from other activities CMA1.D3.f. demonstrate an understanding of the cost impact of shortening a critical path CMA1.D3.g. identify the benefits and shortcomings of network analysis
CMA1.D2.a. demonstrate an understanding of the objectives of linear programming CMA1.D2.b. define and identify the objective function CMA1.D2.c. demonstrate an understanding of the mathematical formulation of a constraint CMA1.D2.d. calculate the optimal solution by the use of linear programming using the graphical method and the algebraic method CMA1.D2.e. identify the benefits and shortcomings of linear programming
- method
- objectives
(و 3 أخرى)
الكلمات الدليلية:
CMA1.D1.a. demonstrate an understanding of a simple regression equation and the measures associated with it CMA1.D1.b. define a multiple regression equation CMA1.D1.c. identify the assumptions of simple and multiple regression analyses CMA1.D1.d. calculate the result of a simple regression equation as applied to a specific situation CMA1.D1.e. demonstrate an understanding of learning curve analyses CMA1.D1.f. calculate the results under a cumulative average-time learning model and under an incremental unit-time learning model CMA1.D1.g. demonstrate an understanding of exponential smoothing and calculate a forecast using this method CMA1.D1.h. demonstrate an understanding of time series analyses, including objectives and patterns, i.e., trend, cyclical, seasonal, and irregular CMA1.D1.i. list the benefits and shortcomings of regression analysis, learning curve analysis, and time series analysis
CMA1.C2.a. define the internal audit function and identify its functions CMA1.C2.b. demonstrate an understanding of the scope of internal auditing CMA1.C2.c. identify incidents that internal auditors should report to management or the Board of Directors CMA1.C2.d. define a compliance audit and identify its objectives CMA1.C2.e. define an operational audit and identify its objectives
CMA1.A9.a. define fiscal policy and distinguish discretionary from non-discretionary fiscal policy CMA1.A9.b. identify the tools of fiscal policy CMA1.A9.c. infer the macroeconomic consequences of both expansionary and contractionary fiscal policies, including the effect on aggregate demand when the level of government spending and/or taxes are changed CMA1.A9.d. interpret the graphical representation of expansionary and contractionary actions CMA1.A9.e. explain the effects of changes in taxation policies, including the effect on the distribution of income and the effect on resource allocation CMA1.A9.f. explain the effects of public expenditure on the economy, including the redistribution of income and the impact on resource allocation CMA1.A9.g. differentiate a budget deficit from a budget surplus CMA1.A9.h. identify means of financing a budget deficit CMA1.A9.i. define and identify built-in stabilizers CMA1.A9.j. demonstrate an understanding of how a progressive tax system acts as a built-in stabilizer CMA1.A9.k. compare and contrast cyclical and structural deficits CMA1.A9.l. define recognition lag and the crowding-out effect CMA1.A9.m. demonstrate an understanding of how inflation can arise from an expansionary fiscal policy CMA1.A9.n. define supply-side fiscal policy CMA1.A9.o. determine the impact that fiscal policies have on a firm (supply, demand, prices, and costs)
CMA1.A8.a. define the term business cycle CMA1.A8.b. define and identify on a graph the phases of the business cycle, including the peak, recession, the trough, and recovery CMA1.A8.c. identify and describe possible causes of business cycles CMA1.A8.d. describe the macroeconomic characteristics of the different phases of the business cycle CMA1.A8.e. determine the impacts of business cycles on a firm’s prices and output
???? define enterprise-wide planning (ERP) and its characteristics ???? recognize that ERP is reliant on an enterprise-wide database ???? describe an enterprise-wide database (data warehouse) ???? demonstrate an understanding of how data warehousing facilitates data mining ???? define data marts ???? define online analytical processing
???? recognize that most computer-based information systems are conceived, designed, and implemented using a systematic development process ???? recognize that end-users and information technology specialists should design information systems based on an analysis of an organization’s information requirements ???? define a systems development life cycle (SDLC) and understand that the SDLC involves activities that are highly related and interdependent ???? outline the steps of an SDLC and explain how they are related ???? recognize that systems feasibility studies should encompass cost/benefit analyses which include both tangible and intangible benefits ???? identify both the tangible and intangible benefits of a cost/benefit analysis
???? define its purpose, appropriate use, and time frame ???? identify the budget components and explain the interrelationships among the components ???? demonstrate an understanding of how the budget is developed ???? compare and contrast the benefits and limitations of the budget system ???? calculate budget components on the basis of information presented ???? evaluate a business situation and recommend the appropriate budget solution