البحث في الموقع
عرض النتائج للدليل 'level'.
مؤشر فيبوناتشي في الفوركس مؤشر فيبوناتشي (Fibonacci Retracement Level أو بأختصار Fib) يستخدم لمعرفة مستويات الدعم والمقاومة في الرسوم البيانية التوضيحية والآجلة في سوق العملات الأجنبية (الفوركس). المستويات التي تعتبر ذات الأهمية الأكبر للمراقبة هي 0.236، 0.382، 0.500، 0.618، 0.764. 0.382، 0.500 و 0.618. أما الأرقام التالية من مستويات الدعم والمقاومة في فيبوناتشى تستخدم كأهداف لجني الأرباح وهي: 0.382، 0.500، 0.618، 1.000، 1.382، 1.500، 1.618. 0.618، 1.000 و 1.618. مؤشر فيبوناتشى يوفر الإرشاد للمتداولين لنقاط مستويات الدعم والمقاومة وتحمل معلومات هامة لذوي الخبرة وكذلك لتجار الفوركس المبتدئين لأنها تساعد على تحديد نقاط الدخول والخروج خلال التجارة. عرب مال
CMA1.A7.a. define Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and demonstrate an understanding of its components CMA1.A7.b. calculate GDP using the expenditures approach and the income approach CMA1.A7.c. define Net Domestic Product (NDP), National Income (NI), Personal Income (PI), and Disposable Income (DI) CMA1.A7.d. distinguish among GDP, NDP, NI, PI, and DI and calculate one from another given relevant data CMA1.A7.e. demonstrate an understanding of the importance of GDP as a measure of a country’s economic prosperity CMA1.A7.f. identify the challenges inherent in the calculation of GDP, including data collection and accuracy limitations CMA1.A7.g. demonstrate an understanding of the price level and how it affects the measures of domestic output and national income CMA1.A7.h. define Consumer Price Index (CPI) CMA1.A7.i. differentiate between Nominal GDP and Real GDP CMA1.A7.j. demonstrate an understanding of the index of leading economic indicators as a forecast of GDP
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- collection
- economic
- (و 7 أخرى)
CMA1.A9.a. define fiscal policy and distinguish discretionary from non-discretionary fiscal policy CMA1.A9.b. identify the tools of fiscal policy CMA1.A9.c. infer the macroeconomic consequences of both expansionary and contractionary fiscal policies, including the effect on aggregate demand when the level of government spending and/or taxes are changed CMA1.A9.d. interpret the graphical representation of expansionary and contractionary actions CMA1.A9.e. explain the effects of changes in taxation policies, including the effect on the distribution of income and the effect on resource allocation CMA1.A9.f. explain the effects of public expenditure on the economy, including the redistribution of income and the impact on resource allocation CMA1.A9.g. differentiate a budget deficit from a budget surplus CMA1.A9.h. identify means of financing a budget deficit CMA1.A9.i. define and identify built-in stabilizers CMA1.A9.j. demonstrate an understanding of how a progressive tax system acts as a built-in stabilizer CMA1.A9.k. compare and contrast cyclical and structural deficits CMA1.A9.l. define recognition lag and the crowding-out effect CMA1.A9.m. demonstrate an understanding of how inflation can arise from an expansionary fiscal policy CMA1.A9.n. define supply-side fiscal policy CMA1.A9.o. determine the impact that fiscal policies have on a firm (supply, demand, prices, and costs)