البحث في الموقع
عرض النتائج للدليل 'احتاج'.
اسعد الله اوقاتكم بكل خير انا عندي ١٢ موظف مسئولي مبيعات ، اقوم بحساب نسبة المبيعات لهم كل ٣ اشهر طريقة البيع تكون كالتالي ( الموظف الذي يفتح العقد مع العميل يأخذ ٤٠ نقطة - اي موظف يتابع الموضوع يأخذ ١٠ نقاط - الموظف الذي ينهي صفقة البيع يأخذ ٣٠ نقطة ) ( طبعاً النقط تكون لتقييم اداء مبيعات كل شخص على حدى خلال ٣ اشهر ،( الهدف ليس القيمة البيعية ) يعني الجدول يكون اول شي رقم العقد .. بعدين ما عرف كيف احدد القيمة لكل موظف على اساس نهاية الثلاث اشهر يعطيني ترتيك اكثر واحد حقق اداء عالي ياريت تساعدوني
ارجو مساعدتي في حل هذا التمرين الموجود في كتاب accounting information system- romney 2.6 Shauna Washington started a business to sell art supplies and related curricula to home school families. The business grew quickly. with sales doubling three times during a five-year period. At that point, she sold the business because it had grown too large to manage from here home. Under the new owners, sales doubles again during the next two years. Profits, however , did not keep pace with sales. in addition, the firm had borrowed heavily to open a warehouse. Inventory costs and operating expenses at the warehouse were higher than anticipated, and the monthly payments on the loan were proving to be burdensome. Recently , the number and amount of past due accounts have risen dramatically. Together, these problems have created a severe cash flow problem. If the cash flow situation does not improve quickly, the firm may have to declare bankruptcy, even though sales are continuing to increase. Required describe some of the information that a good AIS could have provided for this firm and that, if provided in a timely manner, could have helped it avoid some of its problems.
- accounting
- كتاب
(و 2 أخرى)
الكلمات الدليلية:
السلام عليكم لو سمحتوا ساعدوني عندي معاناه مع هالماده على انها سهله لكن الاستاذه خلتها معقده لنا عندي مجموعة اسئله لو تقدروا تساعدوني فيها اكون شاكره لكم using cheby's theorem calculate how many observation will fall in the following intervel provided mean and standered deviation of 40 observation are 13 and 2 respectiveiy a- interval 11-15?l b- interva 9-15?l c- interval 7-19?l ________________________________________ wenday's restaurant sells small medium and large sized soft drink for $0.90 , $1.25 , $1.50 respectively Of the last 10 drinks sold , 3 were small, 4 medium, and 3 large sized . calculate the waighted average of all the drinks sold ___________________________________________ Frequency class 10>0 8 20> 10 10 30>20 13 40>30 12 50>40 6 a- calculate mean and standerd deviation from above grouped data b- calculate co-efficient of variation from the above data
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