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I'm a training (student) in institute and I studying in account section. In of my module I have assignment. If you a student like me how do you answered these questions. I would like from you to answered theses questions….Please if you can.

  • What job would you like to have five years from now?
  • If that job is not available, what are two other comparable jobs would you like to have in five years?
  • Bearing in mind the job you would most prefer to have in five years, what are the three intermediate-level jobs should pursuer?
  • Why did you choose the field of study you did?
  • Why do you think work is important for you?
  • What are your skills, experiences?
  • What work related activities do you enjoy most?
  • What work related activities do you enjoy least?
  • List five job related skills and abilities.
  • Is there any gap between your qualifications and the qualifications required for these jobs?
  • How to improve your strength and take corrective actions for your weaknesses.

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أخي الحبيب

هذه الاسئلة ليست اسئلة محاسبة تريد المساعده بحلها ولكنها اسئلة شخصية ويخلف رأي اخ عن اخ وانصحك ان تكون اجابتك خاصة بك انت

د ظاهرشاهر القشياستاذ المحاسبة المشارك




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تسطيع أن تدرجها في شكل إستقصاء أو إستبيان للتسهيل على المحاسبين أو وضع إختيارات

" اللهم إني أسألك عملاً خالصاً لوجهك الكريم وأعوذ بك من النفاق والرياء "


إسلبني كل شئ وأعطني الحكمه فبها أستطيع أن أرد كل شئ قد ضاع مني



اصنع الخير في اهله وغير اهله فان لم يكونوا اهله فانت اهله


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