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IPSASB Adds Four Projects to Its 2022 Work Program

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The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board® (IPSASB®) has released its Mid-Period Work Program Consultation Summary. The Consultation Summary confirms the projects added to the IPSASB’s work program, and explains the process followed to obtain stakeholder feedback on the Board’s original proposals, as well as the reasons for the IPSASB’s decisions.

“In determining which projects to add to its 2022 work program, the IPSASB has had to balance delivery of its current financial reporting work program with the strong support for the projects proposed in the 2021 Mid-Period Work Program Consultation, and the demands from stakeholders for sustainability reporting guidance,” said IPSASB Chair Ian Carruthers. “The Board’s decision to add four projects to its 2022 work program reflects the balancing act needed to address the diverse needs of the IPSASB’s many stakeholders.”

The four projects added to the IPSASB’s work program where work will be undertaken during 2022 are:

(a)        Presentation of Financial Statements;

(b)        Differential Reporting;

(c)        Reporting Sustainability Program Information (Limited-scope project); and

(d)        Global Consultation on Advancing Public Sector Sustainability Reporting.

The IPSASB originally proposed to add another four limited-scope projects. These all received strong stakeholder support, so the projects below have been added as pre-commitments for the IPSASB’s future Work Program, with work to start as resources become available from 2023 onwards:

(a)        IPSAS 21, Impairment of Non-Cash Generating Assets;

(b)        IPSAS 31, Intangible Assets;

(c)        IPSAS 33, First Time Adoption of Accrual Basis IPSASs; and

(d)        Practice Statement: Making Materiality Judgements.

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