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Help Shape the IAASB’s Future Work

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The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) today issued a survey on its Work Plan for 2022–2023. Guided by its strategic objectives for 2020-2023, the IAASB’s current—and future—work is tailored to serve the public interest. The survey is designed to help the IAASB develop its Work Plan for 2022–2023 through understanding what is important to its stakeholders.

The survey asks respondents for their views on the IAASB’s ongoing projects and possible future topic priorities. It will be open until Thursday, August 5, 2021. Respondents must submit their views using our survey online tool.

To help stakeholders thoughtfully consider and respond, and conduct any appropriate outreach to consolidate feedback, a Word version of the survey is available on the IAASB website to share questions and prepare responses. The IAASB and this work plan survey will benefit from the new Framework for Activities, developed to provide clearer criteria and increased transparency for project selection and prioritization.


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