اذهب إلى المحتوى

blue angel

  • إجمالي الأنشطة

  • تاريخ الانضمام

  • آخر نشاط

الإنجازات الخاصة بـblue angel

عضو جديد

عضو جديد (1/6)

  • درع المساعدة الممتازة نادرة

أخر الشارات الممنوحة



  1. مرحبا ادا احد ممكن احد يجاوب على هاالسؤال A company has $10,000 in mechandise inventory on March 31. The desired cash and merchandise inventory balance on June 30 are $20,000 $25,000,respectively. Sales for the quarter are expected to be $300,00 all in cash. Gross margin is 40% of sales. Cash operating expenses are expected to be $50,000. All merchandise inventory purchases are paid for in cash at the time of purchase. What amount of financing will the company needs during the quarter?
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