اذهب إلى المحتوى

Hesham Ahmed

  • إجمالي الأنشطة

  • تاريخ الانضمام

  • آخر نشاط

الإنجازات الخاصة بـHesham Ahmed

عضو جديد

عضو جديد (1/6)

  • درع المساعدة الممتازة نادرة

أخر الشارات الممنوحة



  1. Dears I would like to get your opinion regarding the following issue: We are building a new factory, the contractor is doing this and our consultant is responsible to review the works done. My question related to the payments made to this contractor according to the amounts of works achieved and reviewed by our consultant, What are the documents and the flow cycle for this transaction. I guess that we need the contractor invoice and the consultant approval, the accountant should review the contractor invoice according the contract signed between us and the contractor. What are your suggestions regarding this issue. I also would like to get a sample of the prcess flows for all functions of the general accounting like, 1- Petty cash 2- Payments to suppliers Thanks
  2. Dear Bishara Thanks for your efforts, but I have a question regarding this approach. The balanced score card contains the performance measures in four categories. They are: Customer Learning and employee development Internal business processes Financial While this excel file contains measures of performance for the first three categories, while it doesn't contain measures for the fourth category. Could you please clarify this issue? Another issue, how did the proprtionqal weights determined, I mean on what base or logic could we determine the weight of this category is 150 point for example. Thanks in advance for your prompt reply.
  3. Really we don't have words other than سبحان الله ولعل غير المسلمين يهتدوا
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