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الإنجازات الخاصة بـتالدة

عضو جديد

عضو جديد (1/6)

  • درع المساعدة الممتازة نادرة

أخر الشارات الممنوحة



  1. السلام عليكم أنا طلبة ماجستير وأبحث عن مواضيع حديثة وجديدة في علم المحاسبة سواء المالية أو الإدارية أو المراجعة وأتمنى أجد المساعدة من بعض الدكاترة والأساتذة في تقديم يد العون لي ومساعدتي في إيجاد موضوع حديث يناسب رسالة ماجستير في المحاسبة وإرسال المواضيع على الخاص من خلال المنتدى .. ولكم جزيل الشكر والعرفان
  2. وعليكم السلام .. شكرا جزاك الله كل خيررر أكيد راح يفيد جدا .. مشكورة ..
  3. السلام عليكم .. الحقيقة أنا بحثت مطولا عن معيار خاص بالقيمة العادلة ( معيار المحاسبة الأمريكية : القيمة العادلة ) ولم أجد نص هذا المعيار .. هل يمكن لأحد أن يساعدني في الحصول عليه .. ولكم جزيل الشكر ..
  4. السلام عليكم .. أخواني وأخواتي .. أحد عنده فكرة سواء مراجع من كتب أو مقالات أو دوريات كتبت عن رأس المال الفكري ..؟؟ يا ريت لو أحد يعرف يفيدني .. ولكم جزيل الشكر
  5. السلام عليكم .., والله أنا آسفة مرررره ... بس التمرين ناقص وأعادة صياغة التمرين على النحو التالي : Case Problem: Property Purchase Strategy Glenn Foreman, president of Oceanview Development Corporation, is considering submitting a bid to purchase property that will be sold by seeled bid at a county tax foreclosure, Glenn's initial judgment is to submit a bid of $5 million. From past experience, Glenn estimates that a bid of $5 million will have a 0.2 probability of being the highest bid and securing the property for Oceanview. The current date Is June 1, Sealed bids for the property must be submitted by August 15. The winning bid will be announced on September 1. If Oceanview submits the highest bid and obtains the property, the firm plans to build and sell a complex of luxury oondomlniums. However, a complicating factor is that the property is currently Zoned for single-family residences only. Glenn believes that a referendum could be placed on the voting ballot In time for the November election. Passage of the referendum would change the zoning of the property and permit construction of the condominiums, The sealed-bid procedure requires the bid to be submitted with a certified check for 10% of the amount bid. If the bid Is rejected, the deposit Is refunded, If the bid Is accepted, the deposit is the down payment for the property. However, if the bid is accepted and the bidder does not follow through with the purchase and meet the reminder of the financial obligation within 6 months, the deposit will be forfeited, In this case, the county will offer the property to next highest bidder. To determine whether Oceanvjew should submit the $5 million bid, Glenn has done some preliminary analysis. This preliminary work provided an estimate of 0.3 for the probability that the referendum for a zoning change will be approved and resulted in the following estimates of the costs and revenue that will be incurred If the condominiums are built. Cost and Revenue Estimates Revenue from condominium sales cost $ 15,000,000 Property $ 5,000,000 Construction expenses $ 8,000,000 If Ocean view obtains the property and the zoning change is not approved In November, Glenn believes that the best option would be for the firm not to complete the purchase of the property. In this case, Oceanview would forfeit the 10% deposit that accompanied the bid because the likelihood thah the zoning referendum will be approved is such an important factor in the decision process, Glenn has suggested thah the firm to conduct a survey of voters , the survey would provide a better estimate of the likelihood thah the referendum for a zonning change would be approved . the market research firm that Oceanview development has worked with in the past has agreed to do the study for 15,000 $ . the results of the study will be available August 15 bid deadline . the results of the survey will be either a prediction thah the zonning change will not be approved . after consideering the record of the market research service in previous studies conducted for oceanview , Glenn has developed the following probability estimates concerning the accuracy of the market research information : P(I1 l s1) = 0.9 P(I2 l s1) = 0.1 P(I1 l s2) = 0.2 P(I2 l s2) = 0.8 I1 = prediction that the zoning change will be approved . I2 = prediction that the zoning change will not be approved . S1= the zoning change is approved by the voters . S2= the zoning change is not approved by the voters . Managerial Report Perform an analysis of the problem facing the Oceanview Development Corporation, and prepare a report that summarizes your findings and recommendations. Include the following Items in your report; 1. A decision tree that shows the logical sequence of the decision problem 2. A recommendation regarding what Oceanvfew should do if the market research information is not available 3. A decision strategy that Oceanviow should follow If the market research is conducted 4. A recommendation as to whether Oceanview should employ the market research firm, along with the vafuo of the information provided by the market research firm. Include the details of your analysis as an appendix to your report أنا آسفة جدا لضياغة التمرين بشكل ناقص .. بس اش نسوي هذه نهاية اللغة الانجليزية الضايعة .. على فكرة احنا مطلوب مننا يوم خلال يومين تقريبا .. موفقين ..
  6. السلام عليكم .. أتمنى من الله العلي العظيم إنكم تفيدوني .. الصراحة أنا تعبت عشان أوصل لحل لهذه المسألة لكن دون جدوى .. والدكتورة مكلفتنا فها وعليها درجات .. بس ما في أحد قادر يحلها .. حتى أستاذات القسم ما عرفوا أتمنى انكم تساعدوني ولكم الأجر بإذن الله .. التمرين : Case Problem: Property Purchase Strategy Glenn Foreman, president of Oceanview Development Corporation, is considering submitting a bid to purchase property that will be sold by seeled bid at a county tax foreclosure, Glenn's initial judgment is to submit a bid of $5 million. From past experience, Glenn estimates that a bid of $5 million will have a 0.2 probability of being the highest bid and securing the property for Oceanview. The current date Is June 1, Sealed bids for the property must be submitted by August 15. The winning bid will be announced on September 1. If Oceanview submits the highest bid and obtains the property, the firm plans to build and sell a complex of luxury oondomlniums. However, a complicating factor is that the property is currently Zoned for single-family residences only. Glenn believes that a referendum could be placed on the voting ballot In time for the November election. Passage of the referendum would change the zoning of the property and permit construction of the condominiums, The sealed-bid procedure requires the bid to be submitted with a certified check for 10% of the amount bid. If the bid Is rejected, the deposit Is refunded, If the bid Is accepted, the deposit is the down payment for the property. However, if the bid is accepted and the bidder does not follow through with the purchase and meet the reminder of the financial obligation within 6 months, the deposit will be forfeited, In this case, the county will offer the property to next highest bidder. To determine whether Oceanvjew should submit the $5 million bid, Glenn has done some preliminary analysis. This preliminary work provided an estimate of 0.3 for the probability that the referendum for a zoning change will be approved and resulted in the following estimates of the costs and revenue that will be incurred If the condominiums are built. Cost and Revenue Estimates Revenue from condominium sales cost $ 15,000,000 Property $ 5,000,000 Construction expenses $ 8,000,000 If Ocean view obtains the property and the zoning change is not approved In November, Glenn believes that the best option would be for the firm not to complete the purchase of the property. In this case, Oceanview would forfeit the 10% deposit that accompanied the bid. Managerial Report Perform an analysis of the problem facing the Oceanview Development Corporation, and prepare a report that summarizes your findings and recommendations. Include the following Items in your report; 1. A decision tree that shows the logical sequence of the decision problem 2. A recommendation regarding what Oceanvfew should do if the market research information is not available 3. A decision strategy that Oceanviow should follow If the market research is conducted 4. A recommendation as to whether Oceanview should employ the market research firm, along with the vafuo of the information provided by the market research firm. Include the details of your analysis as an appendix to your report. أتمنى ألاقي إفادة .. وجزاكم الله كل خيرررررررررررر
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